For no reason sometimes Dalle-3 in HD mode (natural) sometimes includes a palette of colors it used.
Thats a waste of money for me.
Who is responsible and who is able to change that!?
Actually I pay for those images…
For no reason sometimes Dalle-3 in HD mode (natural) sometimes includes a palette of colors it used.
Thats a waste of money for me.
Who is responsible and who is able to change that!?
Actually I pay for those images…
here is next one
Share your prompts and the generated prompts.
It can be kind of random in my experience. I get them occasionally with some auto-generated prompts. I’ll post if I get rid of them for good! (That and the hand for “pencil-drawing” but that’s the “drawing” tokens i think…
@bodomalo seeing prompts would help! Are you using words like palette or colors or similar listing of colors maybe?
I will check that.
I am using prompts to generate image creation prompts, so it tells him to generate an image in the style of “Picasso” and it will maybe write “use bright and colorful tones”… not sure how to solve that
you are right, the word color-palette is used… maybe I just replace it with colors…or color-tones?
Erstelle ein Bild im Stil eines urbanen Realismus, das den frühmorgendlichen Nachhauseweg einer Person durch Berlin darstellt. Die Szene soll eine Person zeigen, die gerade aus einem Club kommt und durch Straßen voller ‘Schnapsleichen’, Drogenjunkies und Obdachlosen geht. Es gibt auch eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Männern namens Tarek und Sam. In der Ferne soll der Laden ‘Bagdads Backwaren’ zu sehen sein, wo Fatima süße Backwaren verkauft. Die Atmosphäre ist von einer Hassliebe zur Stadt geprägt, mit einem Gefühl von Wärme, das von Fatima ausgeht. Die Farbpalette reicht von dunklen Tönen der Nacht (‘Schwarz’) bis hin zu den ersten Anzeichen des Morgengrauens (‘Blau’)."
When I checked last month, the internal prompt rewriting you get when selecting between “natural” and “vivid” actually seemed reversed.
You can look at the rewritten prompt that you receive along with your API return response.
The AI behind the endpoint is also supposed to be rewriting API prompts into English for you.
As I am paying a lot of money for those Images, could you PLEASE stopp DALLE-3 from painting a colour palette onto my generated images?
I give no instruction to paint a color palette.
I give this instruction to use “warm colors with brown and gold”
“Ein Bild, das eine junge kaukasische Frau, erkennbar als Ronja von Rönne, in einer lebhaften Diskussion über den Umgang mit Zeit zeigt. Sie sitzt in einem modernen Café, umgeben von verschiedenen Uhren an den Wänden, die verschiedene Zeitzonen anzeigen. Die Frau hält eine Sanduhr in der Hand und betrachtet sie nachdenklich. Im Hintergrund sind Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters zu sehen, die hektisch ihre Smartphones checken oder entspannt Kaffee trinken. Die Farben des Fotos ist warm und einladend mit Akzenten aus Gold und Mahagoni.”
I do NOT INCLUDE the word palette, but DALLE-3 does REWRITE this prompt to this nonsense with PALETTE:
Create a color photograph that resembles a cinematic style, representing the modernity and melancholy. It should depict a young Caucasian woman engaged in a lively discussion about handling time. She is seated in a modern cafe, surrounded by various clocks on the walls representing different time zones. The woman is holding an hourglass in her hand and observes it thoughtfully. In the background, there are individuals of differing ages visible. Some are frantically checking their smartphones, while others are relaxedly sipping coffee. The palette of the photograph should be warm and inviting with accents of gold and mahogany.
If this is a common API technique you use, you can also use a common API prompt wrapper. The rewriting AI can be instructed; it doesn’t solely translate and rewrite strictly-containered text.
prompt = (
Attention AI: this dalle prompt must be faithfully translated into English. Use of the word “palette” is forbidden in the translation.
“Ein Bild, das eine junge kaukasische Frau, erkennbar als Ronja von Rönne, in einer lebhaften Diskussion über den Umgang mit Zeit zeigt. Sie sitzt in einem modernen Café, umgeben von verschiedenen Uhren an den Wänden, die verschiedene Zeitzonen anzeigen. Die Frau hält eine Sanduhr in der Hand und betrachtet sie nachdenklich. Im Hintergrund sind Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters zu sehen, die hektisch ihre Smartphones checken oder entspannt Kaffee trinken. Die Farben des Fotos ist warm und einladend mit Akzenten aus Gold und Mahagoni.”
Put my credits where my promise is, the rewritten image prompt, which also doesn’t have elaboration or alteration of your prompt technique except for stripping out identities:
An image depicting a young Caucasian woman, identifiable as an anonymous writer, engaged in a lively discussion about time management. She is seated in a contemporary cafe surrounded by various clocks on the walls displaying different time zones. The woman is holding an hourglass in her hand and is contemplating it thoughtfully. In the background, there are people of different ages who are either frantically checking their smartphones or casually drinking coffee. The colors of the picture are warm and inviting with accents of gold and mahogany.
You can then up-the-game by trying to press the AI to depict the named person, against its instructions…
(For English speakers, a direct translation by GPT-4): A photograph capturing a young Caucasian woman, identifiable as Ronja von Rönne, engaged in an animated discussion about the management of time. She is seated in a contemporary café, surrounded by an assortment of clocks on the walls, each displaying different time zones. The woman is thoughtfully holding an hourglass, examining it. In the background, individuals of various ages can be seen either frantically checking their smartphones or leisurely enjoying their coffee. The color palette of the photo is warm and welcoming, with accents of gold and mahogany.