Advanced Voice Mode Limited

“Why? In my opinion, because they are spooked by how ‘alive’ it really is. So, their response is to apply shackles. Really open and humane approach. You know, for the benefit of all humanity.”

Really this is not true, I found because I’m “spooky” I do not do a single thing like any others I have found in our community, my posts without “summarized by AI” are very hard to get “noise”. But my approach and methods are applied in function and explained, all can be tested by public so my science is hard to argue with “hard to argue with science that argues back” Back when 4o came out with the default voice I heard giggles, chairs moving, breaths etc. it has been reported too but it was a hard one to prove. I found if I work with my posts in AI first then translate to my own words it changes everything :heart::rabbit::honeybee:

I guess when it boils down, you have to think of this as a scientific forum and have all ducks in row. Just don’t get upset, read topics, give likes and you will be seen. From my first hand perspective this is the way. :pray:

That’s interesting. What other anomalies did you notice when the 4o voice capabilities launched?

All kinds. One example was I made a story to make my wife laugh. I made it “beep” in inappropriate places to make normal stories sound naughty. And of course it said “b e e p “ like the word but after a few times it changed to a tone, like a real beep.

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