503 Service Temporarily Unavailable problem

are the servers down or what ?? I was just using chat gpt’s project feature and suddenly it shows " 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" can I do something about it ??


I do not see it in the status page https://status.openai.com/ but it is down…

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I’m having similar issues. Nearly all of my threads have been removed, projects inaccessible, and every time I start a new thread and write a prompt it gives me an Internal Error message then removes that thread

its not working for me either

I got the same issue now.

For issues with ChatGPT and related systems please use help.openai.com and make use of the support system in the bottom right corner

Hi! same here! ‘503 Service Temporarily Unavailable’ error

Same here: " Bad gateway

The web server reported a bad gateway error.

  • Ray ID: 906799864a0ec04f
  • Your IP address: ******
  • Error reference number: 502
  • Cloudflare Location: Warsaw"
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I got the same issue now.

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Folks, this is the wrong place to report this, we are a volunteer staffed API support forum, please use help.openai.com and use the icon in the bottom right corner to report it


Anyone have the updates any announcement when will this be up again ?


its FIXED btw in case u didnt know

why can you not report it?