1000 page PDF? Chat with PdfGPT which is build with ChatGPT APIs

In case you want another tool for ingesting PDFs and other documents to use with GPT and other LLMs, with APIs to build into apps, you can also try Soffos.ai

I think parsing PDFs and analysing them and even make a chat upon them is a great project for beginners. No need to be harsh with them.

Just add some logic on top on how to work with the incoming PDF types and go back 3-5 years in time and you can start a multi million $ automation company.

Using the chat to train the logic would be great for that as well.

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Thank you a lot for the feedback, really appreciated and understood about the millions of options. One note is that we’ve been doing NLP research since 2017 with some pretty renowned PhDs informing our dev, so anything we build we’re going to aim to make as valuable and easy to use as possible. Right now we are working on optimizing for books, research papers, and very large legal documents.

For now we’re still very lean and so direct feedback about what will make our features more useful for users is very appreciated. Any specific feedback about what’s what’s needed would be super valuable.

Wow. 10k users in 20 days. All getting “You have reached you api limits, Try after sometime”. Kind of reminds me of the reaction to “Death by Snu Snu”.