Suggestion: Mind map collaboration

This is a new way to approach any topic, and might be very useful for students: What if I could provide the mind map from my lesson and ask ChatGPT to elaborate on this? And iterate upon the topic to build further knowledge.
ChatGPT is able to understand a mind map, and can produce structured text, but fails to structure this into keywords and generate a good mind map.

Use case:
As a student I prefer to listen to my teacher instead of writing a lot. Sometimes I understand the topic. Sometimes I don’t. But I should be able to at least note down some keywords in a mind map.
When coming home from my lesson, I’d like to be able to feed my mindMap to chat GPT and make it elaborate on the topics (this seems to work today).
I would also like Chat GPT to return a vector based mind map so it is easier for me to get the structure of the result, and maybe use this as further notes for self study. Connection should show the relation between information, and weight of the connection should show the importance/priority of the information. This way I can start getting a sense of the topic by a glance, and gain further knowledge by zooming in on each node.

If it is possible to interact with this mind map, it should be possible to remove irrelevant nodes and “tell me more” on the most relevant/interesting nodes. Maybe add my own nodes when I start remembering things from the lesson. This interaction will then drive further approach to the topic in the right direction.

ChatGPT can show plain text in a separate area, so it is possible to get the explained context. Each node can be linked with an anchor to a more descriptive text, so click on a node will fill out with those kinds of details.

This collaboration can help some people get a grip on any topic (which ChatGPT is able to elaborate on) the same way we approach visual structures. By first capturing the main outline, and then branch out the details bit by bit when we start to focus.

I guess this can be an interesting way to dive into all sorts of knowledge. Since you get most important keywords at first glance you can leave immediately and still be more enlightened. But if you have time and interest you can continue your journey into the topic, with endless options. It is like having the journey from elementary school to PhD level mapped in one place, where the only limitation is your ability to keep going and pick up knowledge on the way.