ChatGPT o1 Preview - Coding is worse

I have what I think should be a simple app. I thought I’d try o1 since 4o keeps going round and round and providing the same fixes to errors, which leads to the same breaks in other parts of what was previously working. 4o (and now o1) never learn what hasn’t worked in the same chat.

Chat 1o said a few things weren’t allowed by Apple. When I said they were, and 4o used it, it was able to provide code. But first, it gave a battery-life-sucking workaround far inferior to 4o’s.

Examples of not remembering my corrections and it’s poor memory:

Chat: “You’re absolutely right, and I apologize for any confusion. In Xcode 15.2, the project templates have been updated, and the Single View App template is no longer available.”

-Me (3rd time, and contanstanly on 4o ): "onChange(of:perform:)’ was deprecated in iOS 17.0. - Again, it said, “We’ll update code and use SwiftUI.”

-Me, Later - “Also, the most recent code has the deprecated onChange of” Chat : “You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion.”

-Me - “MainView.swift:35:4 Value of type ‘some View’ has no member ‘onSceneActivation.’” Chat: " Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience caused. It seems there was a misunderstanding regarding the availability of the onSceneActivation and onSceneDeactivation modifiers. As of iOS 17, these modifiers do not exist in SwiftUI, and the information I provided earlier was incorrect."

Chat, later stated (after many of my corrections and direct copies of Xcode’s error: “As of my current knowledge, onChange(of:) is not deprecated in iOS 17.”

Well, shouldn’t Chat’s memory take care of remembering my input about what has changed even if it isn’t in it’s knowledge bank?

Again, Chat acknowledged: " Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused. The error you’re encountering is due to changes in SwiftUI’s onChange modifier in iOS 17." Then, Chat said " indicates that the onChange(of:) modifier with a single-parameter closure is deprecated in iOS 17. Instead, you should use onChange(of:) with a closure that accepts two parameters: the old value and the new value."

All the while, I’m thinking, yeah, duh.

I like the explanations better in 4o because they seem to be based on the current Xcode and iOS.

I almost wonder if seeing the “thinking time” is to placate people. Although I do like to see what o1 is doing, but doubt it takes that long. Who knows.

o1 has still only gotten to the point that 4o did, argh.

I have to say that ChatGPT has been a fabulous way to learn SwiftUI. It has also helped me make two Mac Menubar apps and a few job-related iPhone apps. I learn best by doing…


One thing you might do is clarify what version you’re using when you ask… if you aren’t already.

Swiftly changing software is hard for an LLM to keep up with… even OpenAI docs at time! :wink: