I am trying to implement batching for rather large amount of requests. I am very likely to exceed my batch queue limit TPD.
I see that for the completions API we get the x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens header, but I see that the header is missing when I curl the /batches API.
Is there a way to find the x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens header for the Batch Queue either through another API call or some other trick?
It is not a problem for me that it exceeds, ie. I’m not planning on moving up another tier just yet, I just need to be able to pull the remaining tokens header so I can do the error handling on my end.
I’m using openai-php and the BatchResponse has functionality to give the remaining-tokens, but it seems it is not receiving it from the OpenAI API. So I tried using curl to see if the issue was the PHP package, but curl does not receive the header either for /batches and /files endpoints.
Anyone able to enlighten me on the issue