Why the API output is inconsistent even after the temperature is set to 0

I tested it on gpt4. The temperature is set to 0. The output can be pretty inconsistent, in the sense that not only the outputs in multiple runs with the identical system message and prompt are not identical (which in theory should be the case), but the semantic meaning of the output can also differ (which is even worst than non-identical text but same semantic meaning outputs).

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Hi, can you link to some log outputs that show this and also give a code snippet of your api calling code?

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As a simple example, try to let it perform arithmetic:

{'role':'system', 'content':'You are a math student.'},    
{'role':'user', 'content':'what is 123432*4234'}  ]

different runs will give different results. Clearly, even at temperature = 0, the output is not deterministic.

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As a simple example, try to let it perform arithmetic:

{'role':'system', 'content':'You are a math student.'},    
{'role':'user', 'content':'what is 123432*4234'}  ]

different runs will give different results. Clearly, even at temperature = 0, the output is not deterministic.

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First, there is no real meaning of “temperature 0”. That would be a divide by zero.
Other OpenAI APIs try to auto-tune at temperature 0, instead.

They likely take temperature 0 and give it a replacement value.

Instead, one might try a very low temperature, four zeroes after the decimal point.

  "index": 18,
  "message": {
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": "The product of 123432 and 4234 is 523,091,488."
  "finish_reason": "stop"
  "index": 19,
  "message": {
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": "The product of 123432 and 4234 is 523,014,288."

2 out of 20 gave an alternate answer.

add two more digits for temperature=0.00000001, and I get the same answers for n=40.

the other sampling parameter top-p, set approaching zero, can also make alternate logit choices near impossible.


Nice trick! By the way, could you explain what is the ‘auto-tune’ used in other APIs? Thanks!

audio transcription, for example:




Defaults to 0

The sampling temperature, between 0 and 1. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. If set to 0, the model will use log probability to automatically increase the temperature until certain thresholds are hit.

The original probabilities of logits might be deterministic, but the multinomial probability function that then rolls dice to pick one by statistics is not.

So I believe for gpt-4 API they did the same thing. Also, I think the crucial part is what is the threshold. Judging by the behaviors, this threshold for gpt-4 API is certainly higher than 0.00000001.

First, this is just wrong. There very much is a “real meaning” of temperature T = 0—division by zero not withstanding.

The meaning of T = 0 is greedy sampling. The limiting behavior of, say softmax, is to return a one-hot encoded vector where the element with the highest sampling probability is mapped to 1 and all other elements are mapped to 0.

So to say,

there is no real meaning of “temperature 0”

is just flatly wrong.

Gonna need a big ol’ citation for that, sport. It is far easier and more appropriate to simply perform a greedy sample with T = 0.

I just fired off 50 runs in the playground and 50 out of 50 were the same.


Next I requested n = 50 responses through the API and they were all the same.

API results

Now, there has been some discussion regarding the model not being perfectly deterministic at T = 0, but none of that anywhere has ever suggested it’s because OpenAI is not actually using a temperature of 0.

The two theories I’ve seen that hold the most weight (for me) are,

  1. GPT-4 is a sparse mixture-of-experts model, so when they batch tokens for evaluations, your input tokens can find themselves in a race condition with others. The end result becomes that the model is deterministic at the batch—not sequence—level. This is mentioned in the paper, From Sparse to Soft Mixtures of Experts.
  2. Some parts of the GPU parallelism employed may be non-deterministic. For instance, the order in which values are summed can propagate floating point inaccuracies. It’s possible these inaccuracies are the root cause of the non-determinism.

I consider both of these to be infinitely more likely than “OpenAI isn’t doing greedy-sampling for T = 0.”


Read GPT-2 source code.
I have.

Code self-documents how logits are selected.
Temperature increases the probability distance of normalized logits by dividing by a fraction (multiplying the reciprocal of temperature).

GPT-3 is just an incremental advance that followed shortly after, except for training on 200x the parameters. GPT-4 temperature obfuscated by the mixture of expert models that has been supposed.

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It took a good amount of futzing around, and the prompt is only happenstance from other stuff I was trying, but I have an interesting result.

If you really want to have fun with statistics, do trials on two top logit token outputs that match to 8 digits of accuracy!

"top_logprobs": [
  " Aug": -2.4173014,
  " Oct": -2.4173014,
  " Mar": -2.440739,
  " Jan": -2.440739
  • Aug = 8.92%
  • Oct = 8.92%
  • Jan = 8.71%
  • Mar = 8.71%

model: davinci-002
max_tokens: 1

"prompt": """In the square brackets are 1000 random ASCII characters, using 0-9a-zA-Z: [0-9a-zA-Z]{1000}.

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Let’s run 70 trials at multiple settings. Extract the first letter each time.

“top_p”: 0.0891, temperature 2

“top_p”: 0.0892, temperature 2

Thus, an exact top_p threshold where the next token is allowed.

Let’s continue:

“top_p”: 0.0892, temperature=0.000000001 (very A)

“top_p”: 0.0892, temperature=0.0000000001 (all A)

And you won’t believe if we switch from miniscule to 0, a change:

First letter results of “top_p”: 0.0892, temperature=0.0

Or even if we release the top_p restriction, a change again:

First letter results of “top_p”: 1.0, temperature=0.0

The odd thing is temperature limit or top-p limit methods converge on a different token of the two allowed depending on setting.

Are they literally tied as far as top_p is concerned so the first seen is picked, while temperature is able to put distance between the probabilities?