Why is my code broken as of today? 'OpenAI' object has no attribute 'Completion'

import tkinter as tk
import openai
from tkinter import simpledialog
from openai import OpenAI
import threading
from docx import Document
from datetime import datetime
openai.api_key = 'sk-XXXX'

# Function to set up the OpenAI client
def setup_openai_client():
    openai.api_key = 'sk-XXXX'
    return OpenAI()

# Function to generate text for each section using OpenAI's API
def generate_text_for_section(openai_client, section_name, user_input):
    response = openai_client.Completion.create(
        prompt=f"Write a detailed description for a business plan section titled '{section_name}'. Project idea: {user_input}.",
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()

# Create the main document structure
def create_document_structure(openai_client, document, structure, user_input):
    for section, subsections in structure.items():
        document.add_heading(section, level=1)
        if subsections:  # If there are subsections
            for subsection in subsections:
                document.add_heading(subsection, level=2)
                content = generate_text_for_section(openai_client, subsection, user_input)
        else:  # If no subsections, generate for the main section
            content = generate_text_for_section(openai_client, section, user_input)

# Initialize OpenAI API client
client = setup_openai_client()

# Document structure based on the provided template
document_structure = {
    "1. Project and document details": [
        "1.1. Project details",
        "1.2. Document control",
        "1.3. Revision history"
    "2. Introduction": [
        "2.1. Epic",
        "2.2. Feature(s)",
        "2.3. Feature(s) description",
        "2.4. Benefit hypothesis",
        "2.5. Feature(s) scope",
        "2.5.1 In-scope",
        "2.5.2 Out-of-scope",
        "2.6. Dependencies",
        "2.7. Assumptions",
        "2.8 Constraints",
        "2.9 Stakeholders"
    "3. Business process": [
        "3.1. Current business process",
        "3.2. Future business process"
    "4. System Overview": [
        "4.1. High level concept diagram",
        "4.2. System context",
        "4.3. System functions"
    "5. User stories": [
        "5.1. User characteristics",
        "5.2. User pathway",
        "5.3. User journey"
    "6. Requirements": [
        "6.1. Business requirements/User stories",
        "6.2. Solution/Technical user stories"
    "7. Core requirements": [],
    "8. Project specific requirements": [],
    "9. Terms, acronyms, and related artefacts": [
        "9.1. Terms and acronyms",
        "9.2. Related artefacts",
        "9.3. Other reference documents",
        "9.4. Document reviewers",
        "9.5. Document approvers"
    "10. Document governance": [
        "10.1. Legal sign-off determination",
        "10.2. Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) sign-off"
    "11. Project change requests": [],
    "12. Appendix 1. PSR A: Letters or Forms": [],
    "13. Appendix 2. PSR B: BI and Benefits Management Data Requirements": [],
    "14. Appendix 3. PSR C: Change Management": [],
    "15. Appendix 4. PSR D: Digital Analytics": []

# Start GUI for input
root = tk.Tk()
root.withdraw()  # Hide the main window

# Ask the user what they would like to build
user_input = simpledialog.askstring("Input", "What would you like me to build in the business plan?")

# Proceed only if user input is provided
if user_input:
    # Create a new Word document
    doc = Document()
    doc.add_heading('Business Plan', 0)

    # Add the user input as the introduction or overview
    doc.add_heading('Overview', level=1)

    # Generate and add other sections based on the structure
    create_document_structure(client, doc, document_structure, user_input)

    # Save the document
    timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    filename = f'Business_Plan_{timestamp}.docx'
    print(f"The business plan has been saved to '{filename}'.")

# Destroy the root window after saving the file

I believe the OpenAI library had some changes yesterday, and if you imported the latest SDK/library, then there were some deprecations and new methods.

I think you should be calling openai.chat.completions.create, and there were also some modifications to the response structure as well.

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