Why I do not get responses from gpt api as in chat gpt itself

why I do not get responses from gpt api as in chat gpt itself. Chat gpt generates responses in beautiful table forms but why not we can achieve it using its api?

The AI produces markdown, a simplified plain text styling method. You need to write additional code using a markdown library that can convert this to HTML or render it properly.

Below is a markdown table that discusses the benefits of rendering Markdown to HTML, especially in the context of using an AI that can produce Markdown content:

Reason Description
Ease of Reading Rendering Markdown to HTML allows for better formatting, making the text easier to read and understand. This is particularly useful when the AI produces complex content.
Rich Formatting Options HTML supports a wide range of formatting options such as images, tables, and various text styles, which are not natively supported by plain Markdown. This enriches the content produced by the AI.
Compatibility with Web Browsers HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages, making Markdown content easily viewable in any web browser once converted. This ensures the AI-generated content is accessible to a wider audience.
Interactive Elements HTML allows for interactive elements like forms, buttons, and links, which are not possible with plain Markdown. This enables the creation of dynamic AI-generated content.
Consistency Across Platforms Different Markdown renderers may interpret the syntax slightly differently. Converting Markdown to HTML ensures consistent presentation across various platforms and devices, maintaining the integrity of the AI’s output.

This example table is AI-generated so has some errors in coming up with reasons to use a markdown-to-HTML library.

Below is the same output from an AI contained in a markdown code block so it is not rendered.

| Reason                                           | Description                                                                 |
| **Ease of Reading**                              | Rendering Markdown to HTML allows for better formatting, making the text easier to read and understand. This is particularly useful when the AI produces complex content. |
| **Rich Formatting Options**                      | HTML supports a wide range of formatting options such as images, tables, and various text styles, which are not natively supported by plain Markdown. This enriches the content produced by the AI. |
| **Compatibility with Web Browsers**              | HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages, making Markdown content easily viewable in any web browser once converted. This ensures the AI-generated content is accessible to a wider audience. |
| **Interactive Elements**                         | HTML allows for interactive elements like forms, buttons, and links, which are not possible with plain Markdown. This enables the creation of dynamic AI-generated content. |
| **Consistency Across Platforms**                 | Different Markdown renderers may interpret the syntax slightly differently. Converting Markdown to HTML ensures consistent presentation across various platforms and devices, maintaining the integrity of the AI's output. |

This table highlights key advantages of converting Markdown to HTML, particularly in scenarios involving AI-generated Markdown content. The conversion enhances readability, enriches formatting capabilities, ensures compatibility and interactivity, and maintains consistency across different viewing environments.


Welcome aboard

You can give it instructions in the API to give results in a standard form. Usually markdowns work, but they don’t produce a table layout

have you tried:

  1. Asking chatGPT for the necessary prompts to produce the result in table format when using the API?

  2. Adding to your system prompt with the API to produce results in a table form?

yeah I specifically asked gpt to give result table for but it generated simple dashed border lines