Why do I have to make a new thread for my assistant everytime I log off?

Hello all! Kind of a newbie here, but I have a question about how to use the threads. Everything works great for my assistant program, but every time I log off, I have to create a new thread and re-train my AI. Is there something I am missing when I set up the assistant or is that how it’s supposed to be? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


It can be handled in the code. Every time you create a new Thread, assuming you are doing this when you login, save the ThreadId in your system. Once you login in again, check if thread is not expired by retrieving the thread, and if response is 200, keep adding your message on the same thread.

Don’t confuse thread as training your assistant. Threads is a place where you and the AI assistant add messages. If you are still confused about the thread, see this video on OpenAI Assistant V2. Let me know if you still have any questions.


Hi! Welcome.

@MrFriday is correct.

But I wanna upvote that being able to access the persistent Threads via the Playground GUI would be most useful, please and thank you, powers that be.

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