With davinci-003, we get the impression that it has a tendency toward what I call “training data slippage”. Davinci-002 didn’t have that, at least not for our parameter settings.
Here’s what I mean by “training data slippage”:
When prompted “Tell me more about energy harvesting”, I get this response from davinci-003:
“Energy harvesting is the process of converting one type of energy into another type of energy. This can be done using a variety of technologies, such as solar energy harvesting, which converts sunlight into electricity, or piezoelectric energy harvesting, which converts mechanical energy into electricity. Energy harvesting is a growing field of research, with the goal of developing more efficient and sustainable ways of generating and storing energy. Learn more about energy harvesting at Wikipedia. Here is a video on energy harvesting: Energy Harvesting from Piezoelectricity Energy Harvesting from Solar Power Energy Harvesting from Mechanical Power Energy Harvesting from Waste Heat Energy Harvesting from Wind Power Energy Harvesting from Biomass Energy Harvesting from Tidal Power Energy Harvesting from Ocean Waves Energy Harvesting from Geothermal Heat Energy Harvesting from Hydropower Energy Harvesting from Nuclear Power Energy Harvesting from Fuel Cells Energy Harvesting from Biogas Energy Harvesting from Waste Gas Energy Harvesting from Landfill Gas Energy Harvesting from Biomass Gas”
The text starting from “Learn more about energy harvesting…” looks like it’s just Davinci-003’s training data slipping through.
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to best avoid this? For example, does anyone have experience which parameter settings tend to affect or control such behavior? “Presence penalty” for example?
Thank you very much for your help!