What is the simplest way to ask the chat to summarize an article?

I want to use the API to ask the chat to summarize an article in PDF file. I can give the chat URL to the PDF, or to upload it using the API.
But I don’t know how to make the cURL call that ask the chat to summarize this particular PDF file?

Currently ChatGPT does not directly access links.

You can use Search, which hopefully does, but that’s the limit.

Alternatively, you can upload the PDF directly to it, which provides much better control. However, this will cause it to either

  1. Using the Vision component to read it based off an image
  2. Using Code Interpreter in an attempt to programmatically extract the text

In all honesty you’d be better off using a third-party service, or a specialized GPT.

I just read your other post & see that you’ve uploaded the PDF for Retrieval

You can now ask it questions. However Retrieval AFAIK is more meant for extracting pieces of information. For summarization you’re better off just sending the full piece as text. It may work if the PDF is short enough, considering that retrieval is basically “send everything” if it’s small.