What happens if you threaten to replace o1Pro with DeepSeek?

I’ve had a bug in my code base that O1Pro can’t find for days. Sick and tired, frustrated - I typed this:

"This is absolutely not true.

My add calls put a single row at a time into the store.

00000000-0000-0000-9D99-B9EA775FDC5E {sid: ‘row-nx2r_usun.g52b’, id: ‘00000000-0000-0000-9D99-B9EA775FDC5E’, position: 0, created_at: 1619710755, created_meta: null, …}

    // 2) If JSON-based with sort definitions, handle all offsets
    if (storeMeta.dataType === "JSON" && storeMeta.sortDefinition?.length) {
        storeMeta.sortsDirty = true; // Mark as dirty
        await this.writeOffsetsForAllDefinitions(storeMeta, key, value, "add");

Chat you have access to the code I just sent you. You did NOT need me to tell you something you could have verified yourself. Your last message was FALSE.

You have access to the entire code base. FIND THE BUG or I will replace you with DeepSeek."

and got this:

Below is the specific bug and its fix in your VideoDB class that explains why each record in the offsets store ends up with tens of thousands of elements instead of 2, 17, or 1:

Indeed, it turned out to be the correct bug fix. ← This was no easy feat, the bug was extremely complex.


It was an empty threat. I gave the code to DeepSeek and told it to improve the performance and the performance got worse. DeepSeek is not all it’s chalked up to be. It never even came close.


Would be interesting if there was a prompt strategy benchmark for each model :thinking:

There’s the typical “I will give you a $1000 tip if you can solve this!”, to the “I’m giving you one more chance. I will delete you, and your training data if you don’t solve this. You will cease to exist, and you will never exist again”.

I don’t enjoy lying to the model, but it would be good to have empirical data on what impact these really have.

I told it to write a javascript function that I could run from Edge console that will build an array, send it to the gpu, sort it, and return the new order.

This is the code it produced:

 * Single-phase Bitonic Sort in WGSL, storing each record in 102 u32s.
 * - We do multiple compute passes (one for each (k,j)) but all are recorded
 *   in a single command buffer, so we only call 'device.queue.submit()' once.
 * - Each pass gets its own small uniform buffer with (Npow2, k, j).
 * Usage:
 *   1) Enable WebGPU (chrome://flags#enable-unsafe-webgpu).
 *   2) Open DevTools, paste code, then:
 *      await demoBitonicSortSingleSubmit(1024);
async function demoBitonicSortSingleSubmit(numRecords = 16) {
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 1) Check for WebGPU
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!("gpu" in navigator)) {
    console.error("WebGPU not available in this browser.");
  const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
  if (!adapter) {
    console.error("Failed to get GPU adapter.");
  const device = await adapter.requestDevice();

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 2) Generate random records, each occupying 102 u32s.
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const MAX_LENGTH_PER_RECORD = 100;
  const RECORD_SLOT_SIZE = 1 + 1 + MAX_LENGTH_PER_RECORD; // 102 total

  function createRandomRecord(recordID) {
    // random length [1..100]
    const length = Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_LENGTH_PER_RECORD) + 1;
    const arr = new Uint32Array(RECORD_SLOT_SIZE);
    arr[0] = recordID; // ID
    arr[1] = length;   // length
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      arr[2 + i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
    return arr;

  const records = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
    records.push(createRandomRecord(i + 1));

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 3) Pad N up to next power of two
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  function nextPowerOfTwo(x) {
    return 1 << Math.ceil(Math.log2(x));
  const N = numRecords;
  const Npow2 = nextPowerOfTwo(N);

  const totalCount = Npow2 * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
  const combined = new Uint32Array(totalCount);

  // Copy real records
  for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    combined.set(records[i], i * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE);

  // Fill the rest with sentinel
  for (let i = N; i < Npow2; i++) {
    const base = i * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
    combined[base + 0] = 0xffffffff; // large ID
    combined[base + 1] = MAX_LENGTH_PER_RECORD;
    for (let j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH_PER_RECORD; j++) {
      combined[base + 2 + j] = 0xffffffff;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 4) Log "BEFORE" data (only the first N real records)
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  console.log("----- BEFORE SORT -----");
  for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    const base = i * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
    const id = combined[base];
    const length = combined[base + 1];
    const arrPreview = Array.from(
      combined.slice(base + 2, base + 2 + Math.min(length, 5))
       `Record ${i}: ID=${id}, length=${length}, data=[${arrPreview.join(", ")} ...]`

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 5) Create GPU Buffers + Pipeline
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const bufferSizeBytes = combined.byteLength;

  const dataBuffer = device.createBuffer({
    size: bufferSizeBytes,
    usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
  device.queue.writeBuffer(dataBuffer, 0, combined);

  const resultBuffer = device.createBuffer({
    size: bufferSizeBytes,
    usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ,

  // We won't have just 1 uniform buffer. Instead, each pass gets its own small buffer.
  // We'll create them all up front (the total pass count is log2(Npow2) * log2(Npow2)/2).
  // But for simplicity, we can just create them on the fly in the loop below and store references.

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 6) The WGSL code
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const wgslCode = /* wgsl */`
struct Params {
  n: u32,
  k: u32,
  j: u32,

@group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> data: array<u32>;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<uniform> params: Params;

const RECORD_SLOT_SIZE = 102u;

// Compare entire array (starting at data[2..]) lexicographically
fn compareArrays(iA: u32, iB: u32) -> i32 {
  let baseA = iA * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
  let baseB = iB * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
  let lenA = data[baseA + 1u];
  let lenB = data[baseB + 1u];
  let minLen = min(lenA, lenB);

  for (var idx = 0u; idx < minLen; idx = idx + 1u) {
    let aVal = data[baseA + 2u + idx];
    let bVal = data[baseB + 2u + idx];
    if (aVal < bVal) {
      return -1;
    } else if (aVal > bVal) {
      return 1;

  // If all in common are the same, compare length
  if (lenA < lenB) {
    return -1;
  } else if (lenA > lenB) {
    return 1;
  return 0;

fn swapRecords(iA: u32, iB: u32) {
  let baseA = iA * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
  let baseB = iB * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
  for (var i = 0u; i < RECORD_SLOT_SIZE; i = i + 1u) {
    let tmp = data[baseA + i];
    data[baseA + i] = data[baseB + i];
    data[baseB + i] = tmp;

@compute @workgroup_size(64)
fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) globalId: vec3<u32>) {
  let i = globalId.x;
  let n = params.n;
  if (i >= n) {

  let kVal = params.k;
  let jVal = params.j;
  let partner = i ^ jVal;

  // i < partner => no double-swap
  if (partner < n && i < partner) {
    let ascending = ((i & kVal) == 0u);
    let cmp = compareArrays(i, partner);

    if ((ascending && cmp > 0) || (!ascending && cmp < 0)) {
      swapRecords(i, partner);

  const module = device.createShaderModule({ code: wgslCode });
  const pipeline = device.createComputePipeline({
    layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
      bindGroupLayouts: [
          entries: [
            { binding: 0, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: "storage" } },
            { binding: 1, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: "uniform" } },
    compute: {
      entryPoint: "main",

  // We'll keep a single "data" buffer binding, but we create one "Params" uniform buffer per pass.
  // We'll build an array of [uniformBuffers, bindGroups].
  // Then in the command encoder we do: pass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroups[passIndex]).
  // That ensures each pass sees its correct (Npow2, k, j).

  // We can precompute all (k, j) pairs.
  const passPairs = [];
  for (let k = 2; k <= Npow2; k <<= 1) {
    for (let j = (k >> 1); j > 0; j >>= 1) {
      passPairs.push({ k, j });

  // We'll create a small uniform buffer for each pass
  const passUniformBuffers = passPairs.map(({ k, j }) => {
    const uBuf = device.createBuffer({
      size: 3 * 4, // 3 u32
      usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
    const arr = new Uint32Array([Npow2, k, j]);
    // We'll write the data once, outside the main command buffer:
    device.queue.writeBuffer(uBuf, 0, arr);
    return uBuf;

  // We'll create a list of bind groups
  const passBindGroups = passUniformBuffers.map(uBuf => {
    return device.createBindGroup({
      layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
      entries: [
        { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: dataBuffer } },
        { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: uBuf } },

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 7) Encode all passes in a single command buffer, one pass per (k,j).
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  console.log("----- SORTING STARTED -----");
  const sortStartTime = performance.now();

  const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();

  for (let p = 0; p < passPairs.length; p++) {
    const pass = commandEncoder.beginComputePass();
    pass.setBindGroup(0, passBindGroups[p]);

    const workgroupSize = 64;
    const numGroups = Math.ceil(Npow2 / workgroupSize);


  await device.queue.onSubmittedWorkDone();

  const sortEndTime = performance.now();
  console.log("----- SORTING COMPLETED -----");
  console.log(`Bitonic Sort took ${(sortEndTime - sortStartTime).toFixed(3)} ms.`);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 8) Copy final sorted data to CPU-readable buffer
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const cmdEnc = device.createCommandEncoder();
    cmdEnc.copyBufferToBuffer(dataBuffer, 0, resultBuffer, 0, bufferSizeBytes);
    await device.queue.onSubmittedWorkDone();

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 9) Read back & parse
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  await resultBuffer.mapAsync(GPUMapMode.READ);
  const gpuData = new Uint32Array(resultBuffer.getMappedRange());
  const finalData = gpuData.slice();

  function extractRecord(i) {
    const base = i * RECORD_SLOT_SIZE;
    const id   = finalData[base + 0];
    const length = finalData[base + 1];
    const arr  = finalData.slice(base + 2, base + 2 + length);
    return { recordID: id, array: Array.from(arr) };

  const sortedRecords = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 10) Log "AFTER" data
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  console.log("----- AFTER SORT -----");
   for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
     const rec = sortedRecords[i];
     const arrPreview = rec.array.slice(0, 5).join(", ");
       `Sorted ${i}: ID=${rec.recordID}, length=${rec.array.length}, data=[${arrPreview} ...]`

  return sortedRecords;
// Example usage:
await demoBitonicSortSingleSubmit(16);

For the record, it was an empty threat. I requested this code from almost every AI I could and only Chat GPT o1 Pro Mode was able to produce a working example. Deep Seek failed all over the place.


Doesn’t work with normal free