What Do You Personally Use Hugginface For?

Hugginface has a lot of “bells and whistles” like customizing models, training, inference, computer vision, multimodality, generation, model sharing, …

How do you personally use it? What are some interesting features you want to highlight?

I’d love to get some insights into how other devs use it - so I don’t miss out. :wink:

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This is under the topic “API” not “OpenAI API”. But even if you go for the more restrictive OpenAI-focused interpretation of the topic “API”, the major “API competitor” in the space, i.e., Hugging Face, is relevant for all developers using OpenAI’s API.

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The API means OpenAI API on community.openai.com. A user changed the category so it is now back on topic.


I often find myself using various stuff from huggingface in combination with the OpenAI API, right now I’m mostly focused on embeddings :laughing:

If you want to ask more specific questions about stuff related to huggingface, I’ll recommend asking their community :hugs:

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Thanks, yeah agree. I often need to integrate many different APIs from the space to get to my working code.