I’ve created a fine-tuned model based on gpt-4o-mini and when i try to upload an image it reports one of the following errors depending on type of image (upload/url):
Error: this model does not support vision.
Invalid image URL: ‘messages[6].content[0].image_url.url’. Expected a base64-encoded data URL with an image MIME type (e.g. ‘’), but got a value without the ‘data:’ prefix.
Invalid image URL: ‘messages[0].content[1].image_url.url’. Expected a base64-encoded data URL with an image MIME type (e.g. ‘’), but got a value without the ‘data:’ prefix.
I need to fine-tuned model that can understand images and texts together. Are there any models that support vision and fine-tuning? Or any workarounds? Thanks for any suggestions.