Vectore store : Why all my threads getting attached to blank vector stores?

Hi, I’ve been using assistant v1 since 1 year for my chat app. the assistants are connected to files, and every user gets unique thread. I haven’t moved to assistant v2 yet, but yet i can see a lots of vector stores are getting generated and each of them connected to a thread. can anyone explain why this is happening?


I was seeing this also until I switched to the Python 1.30.1 SDK. Was previously on an older 1.13.3 SDK. The assistant was already set to v2 but the older SDK I’m assuming was initializing as a v1 API client.

Now I have 100K+ of these empty vector stores on my account and I’m not sure what I should do with them???

Attachment vector stores should be set so they expire 7 days after last active.

You could create a white list of all those that are permanent, and go through pages of listing vector stores and deleting them, or setting the expiration to 1 day to delete those not used today with expires_after->days.

It doesn’t look like any of these auto-created vector stores have an expiration. They all look like this

So, yes, at some point I may have to write a Python script to enumerate these and delete or set their expiration. It doesn’t look like they will cost me anything if I’m interpreting this correctly but they do make the “Storage/Vector stores” view in the console pretty useless since I can’t easily find my real vector stores.