I am already succesfully sending a recording from my React frontend to my expressjs backend to be send to Whisper.
Right now, I am using multer to store the file in a folder on my server and use the file path in createTranscription() like this:
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: (req, file, cb) => cb(null, 'uploads/'),
filename: (req, file, cb) => cb(null, req.clientId + '.wav')
const upload = multer({ storage })
async function getTranscription (path) {
try {
const response = await openai.createTranscription(fs.createReadStream(path), 'whisper-1')
return response?.data?.text
} catch (error) {
console.log('THE ERROR:', error)
app.use('/uploads', express.static('uploads'))
app.post('/api/upload-audio', upload.single('data'), async (req, res) => {
const transcription = await getTranscription(req.file.path)
I tried to use multer.memoryStorage()
and req.file.buffer
so I wouldn’t have to write this file on the disk since I just need it temporarily to send it to Whisper, but I couldn’t manage to make it work. The axios always gives me 400 Bad Request status.
I tried converting the buffer to a stream (since what fs.createReadStream returns a stream as far as I understood) with many methods that I found on the web. I also asked ChatGPT for help but no luck.
I tried:
const readableInstanceStream = new Readable()
return readableInstanceStream
return streamifier.createReadStream(buffer)
return stream.Readable.from(buffer)
without any luck. Can anyone help me?
May 7, 2023, 9:06pm
You’re close, I managed to get this to work by setting the readstream’s path. Looks like openai hacking around a bit under the hood
opened 10:33AM - 02 Mar 23 UTC
### Describe the bug
Cannot call `createTranscription` function like below:
… ```
const audio = await fs.readFile('path/to/audio.mp4');
// Compile Error at the first argument
const response = await openai.createTranscription(audio, 'whisper-1');
This is because `createTranscription` interface asks me for File API, which is mainly for Browser API.
public createTranscription(file: File, model: string, prompt?: string, responseFormat?: string, temperature?: number, language?: string, options?: AxiosRequestConfig) {
return OpenAIApiFp(this.configuration).createTranscription(file, model, prompt, responseFormat, temperature, language, options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
How can I use this function from Node.js?
Node.js version: v18.14.2
MacOS Monterey
### To Reproduce
const audio = await fs.readFile('path/to/audio.mp4');
// Compile Error at the first argument
const response = await openai.createTranscription(audio, 'whisper-1');
### Code snippets
_No response_
### OS
### Node version
Node v18.14.2
### Library version
openai v3.2.1
Do you guys know the solution to this issue with the new update to the API from November 2023? I’ve asked a question about this: https://community.openai.com/t/creating-readstream-from-audio-buffer-for-whisper-api/534380 although no response so far.
As of 2 Aug 2024 this is what worked for me:
import { toFile } from "openai";
async function voiceToText(buffer: NodeJS.ReadableStream) {
const response = await openai.audio.transcriptions.create({
model: "whisper-1",
file: await toFile(buffer, "audio.wav"), // << here
response_format: "text",
return response as unknown as string;
Unfortunately, I cannot credit the source post because I cannot insert links here…
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I did it!. Love you so much!