So we are currently using supabase as our vector db, all our embeddings were generated using text-embedding-ada-002. Now with the release of the new/improved embedding model text-embedding-3-large, do we need to regenerate the embeddings for our data using this model or is there a way to reuse/convert the existing embeddings we have generated with text-embedding-ada-002 ?
It seems you can do some sneaky math if you want to request 3072 dimensions of 3-large, and convert that to have simultaneous 3k or faster 1k search available, from performing just one embeddings run.
from mteb import MTEB
import openai
model = model="text-embedding-3-large
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=["CQADupstackPhysicsRetrieval"])
results =, output_folder=f"results_openai/{model_name}")
i wanted to reproduct the MTEB reults so ,im lookng for python script which can load the openai embedding models directly. is there any way to do that?