Using gpt assistants without creating a thread?

Hello, can i using gpt assitants by api without creating of thread ?
Hello, can i using gpt assitants by api without creating of thread ? (sry for copypaste)

Can you use the assistants endpoint without going through the work of first creating a thread to hold a message, where you then run that thread, sending it to API backend to internally make API calls against an AI model, iteratively if needed? No.

The concept of threads on OpenAI’s assistants endpoint is essential for any reason why you might choose to use this facility.

  • thread has a server-side conversation history, history that also includes internal turns of tool calls and responses, enabling:

    • file_search, the AI sending a tool call, the tool message being added to a thread with search results
    • code interpreter, the AI sending a tool call, the tool message being added to a thread with code execution results
    • functions, the AI sending a tool call with functions, captured and presented for your code to fulfill.

    after all of which the AI model is called again with the growing thread.

The primary design of assistants is centered around managing dynamic conversation threads, where the history—including both user-AI exchanges and tool-based interactions—plays an essential role. Without a thread or the need for these advanced tool integrations, the overhead of using assistants would likely outweigh any benefit for simpler, non-conversational workflows.

For tasks like generating a single non-recursive response (e.g., answering a question or performing a single prompt-action-response task), the chat.completions endpoint is both simpler to use and more directly suited for that kind of request. There’s no thread to create or manage—it’s a straightforward, stateless operation, and you can maintain your own version of messages to send.

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