based on this old repo made by Tensorflow github[.com]/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/universal-sentence-encoder I thought to try using embeddings calculated with OpenAI to measure how well an answer fits a given question. I’ve made some tests but the results seem to be inconsistent. Here are some examples of model used | question | answer | dot product
First example
text-embedding-3-small | what's your name? | the pen is on the table | 0.2100624394110477
text-embedding-3-large | what's your name? | the pen is on the table | 0.15766028555933212
text-embedding-ada-002 | what's your name? | the pen is on the table | 0.7728555090641087
text-embedding-3-large behaves much better than text-embedding-ada-002
Second example:
text-embedding-3-small | what's your name? | my name is marco | 0.4585776699017621
text-embedding-3-large | what's your name? | my name is marco | 0.43940777514817453
text-embedding-ada-002 | what's your name? | my name is marco | 0.8278902967827175
text-embedding-ada-002 behaves much better than text-embedding-3-small which behaves slightly better than text-embedding-3-large
Third example
text-embedding-3-small | I've broken my laptop, what can I do? | come to our store to have some assistance | 0.1888791306336703
text-embedding-3-large | I've broken my laptop, what can I do? | come to our store to have some assistance | 0.1511331633002332
text-embedding-ada-002 | I've broken my laptop, what can I do? | come to our store to have some assistance | 0.7774396662317862
text-embedding-ada-002 behaves much better than text-embedding-3-small which behaves slightly better than text-embedding-3-large
What are your thoughts? My code is pretty easy
client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
input=["I've broken my laptop, what can I do?", "come to our store to have some assistance"]
for m in model:
resp = client.embeddings.create(input=input,model=m)
embedding_a = resp.data[0].embedding
embedding_b = resp.data[1].embedding
similarity_score = np.dot(embedding_a, embedding_b)
print(m,"|", input[0],"|", input[1], "|",similarity_score)
Do you think dot product is useful? Based on platform.openai[.com]/docs/guides/embeddings/which-distance-function-should-i-use I thought yes, but I don’t find quality results