Updating files for the Vector store

Hi. I have a Product features Assistant that is using Vector store. I need to create cron job that runs daily and updates files for vector store with latest ones (from our storage). My strategy is to create new Vector store and upload latest files for it. After success I need to delete old vector store and delete files. Is there easy way to delete Vector store and all files attached to it or i need to go file by file, delete them and then delete Vector store?

A batch delete method remains obvious as a utility, but has not been created on API.

A vector store does not need to be deleted. You can add and remove files on it. This will ensure you don’t need to assign new vector store IDs to assistants that are running by users. Keep track of what is in it with your own database.

You can add the same file contents and the same file names without deleting the old version, and create chaos, even.

Thank you. Reason why i like to create new VS and then substitute Assistant with it is I will have customers using my Assistant during my cron job. I assume if i remove/add new files in existing VS i may break user experience while they use Assistant.