Unable to process image properly using openAi official library for dotnet

Im trying to to image processing using the new official open ai library for dotnet,
I get an error about image is not being supportive type or size, when I checked the file itself, I’ve found out the that image is 2mb and jpg type, which is supported, so what am i doing wrong ?
I’ve wrote a service that connect to open ai (it works), but some how i recive a message that image is not supported…

 "title": "HTTP 400 (invalid_request_error: image_parse_error)\n\nYou uploaded an unsupported image. Please make sure your image is below 20 MB in size and is of one the following formats: ['png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'webp'].",

here is my service:

public class OpenAiService
    private readonly ChatClient _chatClient;
    private readonly ChatCompletionOptions _options;

    public OpenAiService(IConfiguration config)
        var apiKey = config.GetValue<string>("OpenAI:Key");
        _chatClient = new ChatClient("gpt-4o", apiKey);
        _options = new ChatCompletionOptions()
            MaxTokens = 300,

    public async Task<ReceiptDto> ExtreactListOfItems(Stream imageStream)
        var imageBytes = await BinaryData.FromStreamAsync(imageStream);

        var messages = new List<ChatMessage>
            new UserChatMessage(new List<ChatMessageContentPart>()
                    "Extract a list of items from the following image, then return a list with each item having a title, price, quantity, total price. Return a JSON object structured as: { store:'x', purchase:{ date:'yyyy-mm-dd', items:[{ title:'', price:10, quantity:2, total: price * quantity }] } }"
                ChatMessageContentPart.CreateImageMessageContentPart(imageBytes, "image/png")
        ChatCompletion completion = await _chatClient.CompleteChatAsync(messages, _options);
        var responseContent = completion.Content[0].Text;
        var receipt = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ReceiptDto>(responseContent);

        return receipt;


and my controller

public class ImageProcessingController : ControllerBase
    private readonly OpenAiService _openAiService;
    public ImageProcessingController(OpenAiService openAiService)
        _openAiService = openAiService;

    public async Task<ActionResult<ReceiptDto>> ProcessImage([FromForm] IFormFile image)
        if (image.Length == 0)
            return BadRequest("No image provided.");

        await using var imageStream = new MemoryStream();
        await image.CopyToAsync(imageStream);
        imageStream.Position = 0;

        var result = await _openAiService.ExtreactListOfItems(imageStream);
        return Ok(result);

what am i doing wrong ?

here is some info about the image:
Screenshot 2024-08-11 at 18.28.38

and here is how i use it in postman: