UI Improvement: Add "Prohibit posting by just hitting Enter" option?

In the current ChatGPT, if you just hitting Enter, your question will be submitted.
If you are OK, then it is OK as it is.

But you might want to add the newline in the middle of the question.
So if you hit Enter, the soft-return will be inserted as you hit Shift + Enter for the current ChatGPT.

Then how can you add the question?
You can do it by hitting the down-arrow icon (↓).

It’s ideal if you can switch the options.

  1. As it is (Just hit Enter to submit the question)
  2. Just hit Enter will insert the soft-return and you submit the question with the down-arrow icon.

I see the similar approach in some apps.
e.g. Slack, Microsoft Team, etc.

What do you think?