Trying to migrate assitant V1 to V2

Hey, I’m trying to migrate my v1 assistant to the v2 assistant and use the ChatGPT 4o mini for my application. I can’t figure out exactly how to use the vector store.

Originaly my code was :
export const createAssistant = async ({ name, instructions, fileId }: any) => {
const assistant = await openai.beta.assistants.create({
name: name,
instructions: instructions,
tools: [{ type: “retrieval” }],
model: “gpt-4-turbo”,
file_ids: fileId && [fileId],

The V2 code looking like this :
export const createAssistant = async ({ name, instructions, fileId }: any) => {
const assistant = await openai.v2.assistants.create({
name: name,
instructions: instructions,
model: “gpt-4o-mini”,
tools: [{ type: “retrieval” }],
tool_resources: {
file_search: { vector_store_id: },
code_interpreter: { file_ids: fileId && [fileId] : }

Can someone help me? Even after reading the documentation, I still can’t figure out how this works. (By the way, I’m not a developer, just a learner.)

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Here’s the Migration Guide for Assistant V1 to V2. If you have any general confusion regaring structure of V2, refer to this video on OpenAI Assistant V2.

Hey mate, welcome!

I’m just learning myself, but I’m sooper into vector stores.

As I understand them, vector stores are built out of file uploads (permanent storage) then can be associated with an Assistant or a Thread for later reference / analysis. It’s all a subset of an Assistant with File Search enabled.

A vector store is a more advanced form of storage that automatically creates embeddings, keyword meta, and will eventually allow other meta fields to be applied to data associated in the VS.