For please add option to use Ctrl-Enter to submit the message instead of Enter.
I repeatedly submit my message before I’ve finished composing it, and consequently the AI responds wrongly. This leads to wasted time, increased token usage, and makes it harder and more work to scan through the previosu conversation to extract the good parts.
It should work more like this message box in this forum does. Enter makes a new line, and ctrl-enter submits.
I endorse this: “enter as send” as used by “Facebook” is a terrible idea.
Yet I can use this text box normally, as I have been using word processors since last century, hitting enter to create a new line.
Yet I can’t in ChatGPT.
Enter = new line is simply the correct and appropriate text entry method.
While an AI may be able to parse meaning without paragraph breaks, my habit and want to read over a longer question will always favour them.
Enter as send is also doubly redundant when there is GI button (arrow) on the webpage to send the message. The keystroke should be Ctrl-Enter.
People using ChatGPT are not, as a rule, sending short messages that read “How R U M8” or “ASL” and “BRB” (also from another era) in fast succession but asking more complex questions.
Shift-Enter is a PITA because it habituates the new keystroke to create paragraph breaks, which, if I unthinkingly use in a word processor, I get a soft return where I want a hard return, creating an error to correct.
I just want to repeat myself: after writing many long-form questions, not conforming to the industry standard of decades of use is stupid.
Send on Return is not a feature it is a bug and makes writing long-form questions PITA, shift+return is unnatural and habituates a bad habit which, when used in well-formed programs that follow the standards of many decades that return is a line break, leads to unwanted errors, the developer who instituted this is an idiot.