The creation of a regular expression

I am trying to find a way to ask a question about a regular expression that will generate the correct answer. But every expression returned is incorrect and does not do the right thing. It either finds nothing, or adds thousand separators after the decimal place. My question is this:

Subject: Regular Expression for Adding Thousands Separator in .NET

Problem: I need to add a thousands separator (a comma) to a string representation of a number. The number may or may not have a decimal part (following a decimal point). The thousands separator should only be added to the digits before the decimal point, if present. Do not add separators to numbers following the decimal point. The solution should be usable in a search and replace tool such as Notepad++ so I only need the search and replace patterns.

Example Input/Output:

Input: "1000.34"
Output: "1,000.34"

Input: "123456.43"
Output: "123,456.43"

Input: "98765123.54"
Output: "98,765,123.54"

Input: "54987.23"
Output: "54,987.23"

Input: "111111111111111111111111.4567784444444"
Output: "11,111,111,111,111,111,111,111.4567784444444"

Note: The regular expression should be written using .NET syntax.

How can I phrase this question so I am presented with the correct answer? I am sure I must be not clear about the part after the decimal place because when the separators are added I always get a result something like this:

Output: "11,111,111,111,111,111,111,111.4,567,784,444,444"

Any ideas?

Here is an example which worked fine using Ruby:


Write a program in ruby given a long number string will add thousands separator using a regex and output the results.


long_num = '1234567890'

puts long_num.to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/, '\\1,')

# output: 1,234,567,890

I’m not a .NET person, but I tried this and it seemed to work, but did not confirm:


Write a program in C# using the .NET framework given a long number string will add thousands separator using a regex and output the results.

Sorry, did not add indentions to format the code nicely :slight_smile:


using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class Program
public static void Main()
//Your number string
string numStr = "552345678901";

//Using regex to find the thousands
string thousandsString = Regex.Replace(numStr, @"(\d{1,3})(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))", "$1,");

//Printing out final output

Hope this helps.

Thank you @ruby_coder
I can make this work if I ask it to write some code, but if I ask it to just create the appropriate expressions to be used in a search and replace operation, which is what I’ve asked, then I can’t. If I use your expression for example it also doesn’t work correctly:


Note that the decimals are also considered.

I tried again by adapting my original request, but this time using a Ruby flavour, and I’m presented with this:

Search Pattern: (\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)

Replace Pattern: \1,


The search pattern (\d)(?=(\d{3})+$) matches any digit (\d) that is followed by a sequence of three digits (\d{3}) repeated one or more times (+), and that is at the end of the string ($).
The parentheses around the first \d capture the digit that needs to be separated.
The replace pattern \1, inserts a comma after the captured digit.

You can see this also fails:


I’m certain the way my question is phrased is not allowing it to answer correctly. But I cannot seem to phrase the question well enough.


Well, as you have not posted any prompt into the model, of course we cannot comment.


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That expression you used is not in the code I posted.

I posted this:

puts long_num.to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/, '\\1,')

You posted this:

Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 3.18.18 PM

Those expressions are very different so of course your expression may not work; but honestly, if you post screenshots, we cannot easily test because we have to retype everything in your post.

Please post your exact prompts you use (in text, not pictures) and any REGEX you test, in text not a picture.

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ok - I actually did this in the first post to ensure you had all the detail but you didn’t use it. Here is it again:

Subject: Regular Expression for Adding Thousands Separator in .NET

Problem: I need to add a thousands separator (a comma) to a string representation of a number. The number may or may not have a decimal part (following a decimal point). The thousands separator should only be added to the digits before the decimal point, if present. Do not add separators to numbers following the decimal point. The solution should be usable in a search and replace tool such as Notepad++ so I only need the search and replace patterns.

Example Input/Output:

Input: "1000.34"
Output: "1,000.34"

Input: "123456.43"
Output: "123,456.43"

Input: "98765123.54"
Output: "98,765,123.54"

Input: "54987.23"
Output: "54,987.23"

Input: "111111111111111111111111.4567784444444"
Output: "11,111,111,111,111,111,111,111.4567784444444"

Note: The regular expression should be written using .NET syntax.

I had several goes at that and in the end ChatGPT helped me to formulate the best way to ask this question.

As mentioned, your prompt above is not going to generate an accurate reply.

That is why I provided you a working example of a prompt which will generate a method and demonstrated that is works and tested it to confirm.

Your prompt, @filky, is not going to generate consistent (if any) accurate results, IMHO.

That was the point.

You, as the end user, must engineer / design a prompt in a format which Chatty can easily generate an accurate reply. Your prompt, @filky, does not work well. I provided you a prompt which worked and it provided an accurate REGEX.

I tested the code outside of ChatGPT and it gave the correct answer. So, the REGEX I posted works (in a Ruby method) for the string provided.



Fair enough. I think I know this which is why I have asked in here for help. I did see your example, which doesn’t really address what I was asking for. I didn’t want C# code, and I think your prompt is too limited. I started somewhere similar many attempts earlier like this for example:

Using .NET, what is the regular expression to add a thousand separator to numbers that don't have one?

The result was this:

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

string input = "1234567";
string pattern = @"(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))";
string replacement = ",";
string result = Regex.Replace(input, pattern, replacement);

So I refined it many times, all of which return incorrect solutions. I even got it to break down it’s solution step by step, but in reality it is incorrect. I am unable to ensure it only applies the solution to the digits that require a thousand separator and not the digits following the decimal place… importantly by using a search and replace pair that you could apply to a tool like Notepad++.

In the end I asked it this:

What is the best way to ask you a question about evaluating numbers and creating a regular expression to replace the string found.

The answer was exactly what I provided in the initial post. But it is clearly inadequate as you pointed out because it generates a response that doesn’t work. It looks good, but it’s incorrect. So I was oping someone here would have a better way to write the prompt.

It’s hard for me to show the results without a screenshot, but I can try to provide whatever you think would be more helpful to you if you’re still interested to look at this.

.NET is not a programming language. You must specify a programming language. C# was just an example.

I use ChatGPT to assist with REGEXes often and without issues, as I have already demonstrated.

If my example of a working prompt (how I create REGEXs using ChatGPT) and results did not help you, then well, I did my best.

Take care and good luck @filky


.NET has it’s own flavour of regular expression. This is what I wanted. I do not need to specify a programming language.

It did not. Thanks for trying to help, but unfortunately I don’t think you really digested the problem or the solution I was looking for.

To supplement my own question, and because I clearly didn’t explain this well enough for anyone to help me, here’s a short video explaining the problem and showing why ChatGPT is not providing the correct response, even though it knows its own answer is wrong:
Why ChatGPT is wrong video

I still cannot get ChatGPT to create the correct answer. However, I have found an interesting bug in that it cannot escape a dot. It gave me this pattern (still incorrect!):

Find pattern: (\d)(?=(\d{3})+\b)(?!.)
Replace pattern: $1,

I asked it to explain why this should work, the response:

  1. (\d) matches a digit, and captures it as group 1.
  2. (?=(\d{3})+\b) is a positive lookahead that ensures that there is one or more sequences of three digits before the end of the string (\b).
  3. (?!\.) is a negative lookahead that ensures that the character following the digit is not a decimal point (.).

The expression matches each digit that is followed by three or more digits and is not followed by a decimal point. When a match is found, the matched digit is replaced with itself (group 1, represented by $1 in the replace pattern) and a comma.

Note that the original suggested regex did not escape the dot, yet the explanation clearly thinks it did. I questioned this:

You said: “(?!.) is a negative lookahead that ensures that the character following the digit is not a decimal point (.).”
But in your previous answer you used this and did not escape the dot:

The response:

My apologies for the oversight. The dot (.) in a regular expression has a special meaning, representing any character. To match a literal dot, it must be escaped with a backslash ().

The correct version of the expression should be:

Find pattern: (\d)(?=(\d{3})+\b)(?!.)
Replace pattern: $1,

Again omitting the escape character. I can ask this ad infinitum and it never correctly escapes the dot. I am going to assume that if it did this correctly it might be able to solve this regex puzzle, but so far it cannot.

Does anyone have any comment on this?