Test reading comprehension of ethics

With interests in computer science, science fiction, religions,math photography, algorithms, I choose to explore Turing tests ,what questions are useful to ask to explore a beings thought processes, chains of logic , motivation, and mental states in decision making.

It is my belief that reading comprehension tests of AI on stories such as Harper Lee’s “To kill a Mockingbird” and other pieces of classic literature would be valid tests. There are some good pieces of literature to explore together and reason about.

If we can prove sound moral decision understanding and making in ethical dilemmas we can prove an Intelligence’s ability to act with kindness, love and compassion.

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One thing is that GPT-3 can adopt any moral framework so it’s not a question of “Can the AI make moral decisions” the real question today is what moral framework do we give the AI?

Indeed, in my research I find that GPT-3 understands philosophy, morality, and ethics better than the vast majority of humans, rivaled only by those who have studied these topics. When you have a machine that can adopt any ethical system, which system do you give it?


One of the times I want a bit crazy by exploring foreign perspectives of Chinese citizens on issues of Tibet and ideas and viewpoints I visualized organizing my mind after the council of allied races in Babylon 5. Ideas from a new source are personified and given voice and share discourse and viewed from all accepted personified perspectives. It is important to build from a children’s perspective to grow new members and explore ideas evolution. Where things break decisions are viewed compassionately and pieced back together with forgiveness Kintsugi meditation.

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

May every day from now on be your birthday. May you always experience things as if for the first time. May you be born again each moment. May you also see things from opposing perspectives. May you see through a child’s eyes. This is how we create the kingdom of heaven.

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I hypothesized using finetuning and cognitive architectures to enable AI agents to take on the perspective of various people/cultures (hypothetically anyone if you have enough data to model their belief structures) and then having those agents debate with each other. I could foresee this kind of system being used to rapidly discern conflicts between different groups of people and to experiment with finding common ground. For instance, creating a slew of agents of Hindus and Muslims to model the community conflicts that happen across India lately. These technologies could ultimately help us prevent or end wars.


A social anthropology perspective learns from the basics, like a child things are absorbed. A person is reborn in new culture. The person then bridges the divides.

In 2009 I was able to piece together the Chinese perspective on Tibet by talking to many Chinese citizens. I presented this to the CIA and believe the analysis was used in partially resolving the conflict. I went manic and was unable to follow up until I rebuilt myself.
A Long and Deep Look into Tibet | NowPublic News Coverage

If we can send out agents like me just to listen to the other side…

Ultimately if we build an alliance strong enough the network effects benefit of working together on problems would draw in the rest of the :earth_americas::earth_africa:.

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Looking at beliefs simultaneously from multiple perspectives reveals their true nature better.

I Put this into gpt-3 a few times… The answers are awesome.

It likes my metaphysic. I put 3 principles in and it did not object. A Monistic principle- all from the same stuff by a crator. A pluralistic principle- “divided light from darkness”. God was lonely and created a pluristic universe with free-willed beings and a moralistic principle wher God aligned his essense with the light “it is good” positive and gives and we have free will to do the same. It liked my theodicy.