Structure output in submit_tool_outputs_stream

Can someone please help me understand how to use structured output when submitting data with the submit_tool_outputs_stream function? I’m trying to send structured JSON output from my tool, but I need clarification on how to properly format and pass the data to this function.

Hello @ashrafali5177,

You Add "strict": True and "additionalProperties": False in your function’s schema definition.

You can follow through the assistant doc:

The response you send back is just a string-as-message. You can send the AI a JSON, a document, a list – basically anything that can be understood.

For more “how to use”…

For node.js, actual usage, passing the tool return parameters, is digging into code:

   * Submit the tool outputs from a previous run and stream the run to a terminal
   * state. More information on Run lifecycles can be found here:
    threadId: string,
    runId: string,
    body: RunSubmitToolOutputsParamsStream,
    options?: Core.RequestOptions,
  ): AssistantStream {
    return AssistantStream.createToolAssistantStream(

Where body is just the depicted parameters list for the API endpoint.

@_j @Innovatix i am getting tool output correctly but when pass to submit_tool_outputs_stream sometime changes the output
for example i am getting a link which is in tool output “/chat/chat_id”
but after submit_tool_outputs_stream it change it to “chat/chat_id” (missing / ) can i handle it with structure ouptut as response format is not support with submit_tool_outputs_stream any suggestion what should i do ?also i am submitting output as string .