Speaking to Chat — seeing answer in text (not voice)

I love talking to Chat on my Mac when I write.

But that’s the thing, I’m writing. So I want to be able to read the answer on my screen, and be able to copy and paste quickly in an other application (as opposed to listen to the answer).

In current version, I need to choose between speaking mode or writing mode. It’s one or the other.

Therefor, if I speak, but want to see/read the answer as a written text, I need to take the extra step to close the voice module in order to get back to the main interface.


I can speak faster than I type. But I can read faster than ChatGPT speaks.

This would speed up my workflow so much if I could speak (voice) to ChatGPT, and just see/read its answer appearing in the text box.

This could be implemented as an option. We have voice to voice, text to text, and that option would be voice to text.

Thank you for your consideration