Sora Image to Video issues (lack of control and motion)

I’ve uploaded hundreds of images to test out image 2 video. And control over the output is basically nonexistent. Meaning the output is 99% static or with extremely strange camera movements. People are mostly static lacking even basic subtle movements. Basic camera movements like zoom in zoom out, pan up pan down, dolly in etc aren’t responsive to commands. You occasionally get some camera movements but it’s erratic and unpredictable. And when you do finally get movement most of the time it transitions from your image to a subpar sora recreation of the scene which stylistically looks very different.

I’ve uploaded without prompting, adding prompts, editing storyboards, adding little notes on multiple storyboards, removing or editing the sora created storyboard that is auto-generated when you upload an image. And there’s little to no control and generally speaking very little movement or strange movement or just hallucinations in the output.

Sora seems to handle text to video well if you follow the sora prompting guides. But image 2 video is severely lacking. Can’t even get a simple zoom in, zoom out, dolly in etc. I just want my images to have a little life and some very simple camera moves but it seems rather impossible at this stage.

Please share some thoughts if you’ve gotten it to work consistently. I’ve tried many different types of images with and without people different artistic styles of images etc. And the results are abysmal and non reactive to prompts with image 2 video.

Please help. Thanks.