November 16, 2023, 12:19pm
i just figured out how to get my custom GPT access a public endpoint I owned usign a GET request.
I built the endpoint in python.
In my mind, there are 6 use cases:
GET public endpt
POST public endpt
GET private endpt (need to use API secret key)
POST private endpt (need to use API secret key)
GET private endpt while able to identify the user (not sure how. maybe oAuth)
POST private endpt while able to identify the user (oAuth?)
My narrow question is whether i can identify the user of the GPT as a user of my endpoint service using oAuth? i.e. case 5 and 6
My broader questions are what can i do or cannot do with Custom Actions?
Thank you
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in regards to the narrow question, you definitely can. has a simple solution for this that integrates Oauth everytime someone uses the Action for the first time and allows things like Quotas, Plans, gated routes.
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November 17, 2023, 2:39am
Thank you, Duncan
Have you actually tried it personally?
Try this GPTs : , I believe all your question would be solved easily and more than that when you develop any kind of GPTs!
November 17, 2023, 11:23am
Hey mate, and welcome to the community forum!
This is in the works as far as I know, and should be possible very soon if not already. 3 & 4 (service level auth) is already possible, I tested it myself yesterday, so let us know if you’re having issues with this.
I’ve so have so far hooked up my GPT to over 200 smart device’s in my home (at the same time)
Haven’t hit any kind of limitations yet, so I’d say go nuts!
yeah, for three of my plugins/actions/GPTs.
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November 19, 2023, 12:10am
SO what do you use for service level auth? OAuth or just simple API secret key?
go nuts!
I want to !
November 19, 2023, 2:46am
Right now I’m just using an API key & bearer token, haven’t played around with o-auth yet.
The interface looks like this, you just paste your stuff in there and press save.
Make sure to NOT include your authentication specifications in the API schema, that’s what the UI is for!
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November 26, 2023, 9:41am
I spoke with founder. Basically he says they concentrating on plugin not action
However, the good news is that I figured out how to use oAuth within GPT action.
November 26, 2023, 9:42am
Thank you, N2U
I just figured out how to use oauth . So, I’m closing this thread as solved.
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November 26, 2023, 9:44am
In my mind, there are 6 use cases:
GET public endpt
POST public endpt
GET private endpt (need to use API secret key)
POST private endpt (need to use API secret key)
GET private endpt while able to identify the user
POST private endpt while able to identify the user (almost trivial)
Since I have solved 5 , therefore 3 and 4 are not needed and 6 is almost trivial.
Now marking this thread as solved
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December 17, 2023, 1:32pm
As this topic has an accepted solution , closing topic.