Slow loading, non loading history and long conversation major issues

I am having major issue with history loading. I though it was just a windows chrome issue so fired up my mac and its the same.

When I open the ChatGPT browser the history either wont load and asks me to refresh the page. I do that and it will load. Then when I go to a conversation with allot of content it takes ages to load. If I try to engage in the conversation it will either not complete the answer or not answer at all. When I have a look on my iphone, the answer is there.

I am a paid user.

ChatGPT has become pretty useless for long conversations. It is now taking far too long and is very unpredictable.

Welcome back.

How long are we talking? There’s likely a limit where it’ll not work as good if you don’t have enough RAM…

so your saying that i need to add more ram to my Mac and my PC? And this is all of a sudden? When i look in the memory on my chrome browser it says i’m using about 900meg. I have 16gig in both machines.