ChatGpt is not showing the sidebar on my desktop browser. I use Chrome but tried Bing and the problem persists. I cleaned Cache, logged in and out and nothing changes.
Hi some of your browser extension is causing this issue. Turn off all extension, refresh the page. It will show up. Then turn on the extensions one by one and find out the one that’s causing this issue.
Alternatively you may use another browser profile to solve this issue. Thanks
I have the same problem and I turned off all extensions off and then refreshed the page and even logged in and out but still the same problem:
ChatGpt is not showing the PROMPT SIDEBAR including add prompt on my desktop browser. I use Chrome. I cleaned Cache, logged in and out and nothing changes.
iI would appreciate help.
Kind regards
I have the same problem, it just happened to me. The only solution for me was to use the Zoom to 300% of the tab to see the sidebar again. Regrettable.
Ctrl+Shift+S on windows worked for me.
Hope it helps
Absolutely! it works, Thank You
But I have a problem: I’m on my iPhone and I don’t know what to do with it. Anyone has ideas, please reply to me.
1- zooming in (Cmd > + )
2- then zoom out (Cmd > - ),
a small arrow on the left will show up. it will open the side menu
Same problem with the sidebar only showing up when I zoom in 300%. I was able to fix it by clearing my browser cache.
- Clear Browser Cache:
- Clearing your browser cache can resolve various display issues. Go to your browser settings and clear the cache, then refresh the page.
I duplicate the page and the new page works for me.
How did you solve it? I’m having the exact same problem!
It worked for me, thanks. i am using chrome
not working
cleared cache but still facing issue
Clear the cache and removed the cookies, then login back in solved the problem for me.
It was not a browser issue, since another account works fine. It was also not a zoom issue.
When the sidebar goes missing,
Refreshing the page (F5)
on Google Chrome / MS Edge browser,
reloads the page.
to me, that fixes the glitch.
PS: Make sure you have no text in the prompt window, it gets trashed, while the page is refreshed.