Shared Team Account for Solo Developers / Entrepreneurs / Indy Hackers / Individuals

AFAIK no reselling is allowed, period. This is because of the items I noted in the DM.

As this link is not so easy to find.

I am in for sharing the Team Account. Thank you for sharing.

@cass, first I think this is a interesting idea and one I had myself too. I discarded it because of the inevitable administrative nightmare it will inevitably become.

If you do this though, I have a couple of suggestions for you.

  1. Don’t front anyone any money to get it off the ground (unless you can really afford it and you’re feeling really generators).
  2. Charge a small administrative fee, ~$3/month or whatever. Just enough to make it worthwhile too you to track all of this. Remember, when people pay you—depending on the method—there will be some processing fees associated with that.
  3. I’d request first + last month up front and boot anyone the moment they miss a payment. That’s a big ask, but if you have 500 team members that’s $15,000 / month. What happens when OpenAI releases ChatGPT Pro for single developers with the features of teams but you’re left on the hook for the bill when everyone bails?
  4. Remember, you could have a work account and a personal account on the same team and just pay $60/month and get 200 messages/3 hours yourself.

It’s a great idea, and in an ideal world it wouldn’t be a problem, I just worry about you getting burned badly.


Alas, it didn’t work out. But, your effort is appreciated.

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Estoy dentro… Me gustaría ser párate del equipo

Interesting discussion. I wanted to get the Teams account for a solopreneur and me, and share the annual bill. From what I understand from this discussion, that’s not acceptable?

But even if it is acceptable, I’m assuming that the other person would be able to see everything in my conversations and vice versa, no?

Hi all, Hopefully OpenAI sees this thread and can provide a solution to proceed. I have written to the sales team but have not heard back.

It took me about a month to receive a response from them. If you want, I can set it to automatically bump this topic in a week or two.

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Also consider this would count as income to you/your company with regards to federal taxes etc.

I’m in, this is wonderful! :heart_eyes:

I’ve been looking for a “Group Buy” option since it was announced as I’m a lowly solo-developer. Thank you!

I mean, if you’re talking about the small administrative fee, I don’t think that’s going to add up to be enough that anyone is going to care about it one way or another unless you happen to get a very large team together.

No, not just the admin fee. The bill from OpenAI will be sent to the Team owner for the entire amount of all team members. The team owner will have then have to collect from team members and then pay Open AI. At that point it’s become part of the owner’s income.

The team owner will also be responsible for covering the fees of members who renege for whatever reason (not necessarily malfeasance. They could lose their job, or die, or…).

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That is, thankfully, not really how “income” works, otherwise every time you go out to eat with friends and you put everything on your card and everyone else gives you cash you’d need to declare that as income.

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let’s say you visit your friend’s place and they cook for you. you give them a little money for groceries and the trouble.


you just went to a restaurant and everybody pays taxes.

Let’s say one of your friends knows a wholesaler, and you all decide to purchase together. You give your friend some gas money so they can get the merchandise, and you all can split the savings.


you just went to costco and everybody pays taxes.

I’m not saying you’re wrong in the income/revenue debate, but @maphew is right in the sense that things can get complicated real quick

but, what the government doesn’t know… :shushing_face:

149 users at $20/mo each for 12 months is $35,760. That’s hard to pass off as “oh we’re just a group of friends splitting our lunch tab”. Especially if you’re taking an admin fee on top of that.

I am of course quite happy to be wrong, and would join the team if it proves better than using the API. I wouldn’t want to find out otherwise the hard way though.


Love this idea, would like more info. I’m in.

Not if you have the receipts.

Please do keep in mind, I think this is a terrible idea—I just don’t think taxes is a substantial contributing factor in the terribleness.

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Kinda depends on where you are, I’m my country everything above ~750 USD counts as income, and I’ll have to pay taxes on it. Everything above 7300 USD requires me to register as a company :sweat_smile:

I did a quick calculation, and if I did this is, I would end up having to charge people ~70% on top just to cover taxes, vat and payment processing fees :sweat_smile:


That seems somewhat crazy to me.

So if you and nine friends wanted to rent a beach house for a week for $10,000 USD, and they each gave you $1,000 USD to cover their share, you’d be a business all of a sudden?


I also think scale probably comes into it a bit as much as the total amount (at least in the US).

If someone is doing this with a team of 8 people, that’s different than a team of 800 people—regardless of what the dollar amounts are, at least in the US.