Screen Auto Scrolls as The Response Being Generated

I want to report a flaw with the UI of chatgpt prompt.
When chatgpt generates response in the case that the response is longer than one page screen automatically scrolls as the response being generated which is annoying.

Please make the screen to stay stationary while response being generated since human cannot read as fast machine.


You know you can just touch the screen and stop it from scrolling while the rest of the answer is being generated, right? You’re already touching your phone, it costs no extra finger energy to just tap the screen and stop the scrolling.

Very bad answer. This is not a type of response that a developer would give to users. It’s safe to say that you are just a normal user like me.

When an end user have to spend an extra effort to counter act a design flaw of a UI or system it means that it is an issue and should be fixed.

I hope that I made myself clear.

It’s a non issue, though.

And what of the people who like the screen scrolling as the answer is generated? It’s a matter of preference, not design flaw. The solution based on your preference, then, is simple: touch the screen as the answer is generated and the scrolling will stop.

Who would want the screen to scroll?! Those must be either insane or a machine cause no one can read text as fast as generated by machine. Unless they want to read from bottom to top.

A design that is not ergonomically correct is a flaw.

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There are plenty of instances where one would want the screen to scroll including reviewing lists, generating code, skim reading a response, etc.

The world does not revolve around your personal preference. Sorry you got this far in life believing it to be so.

Preposterous. There is no use case and no one can skim read that fast.

Open AI will eventually come to its senses and realize that was a bad decision on their part.

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I would not mind the workaround you suggested, but for the fact it doesn’t work with the desktop app. In the desktop app, if you stop the scrolling, it stops generating. You then have to wait some amount of time (which you have to just guess), before scrolling back down, after which it will start rapidly populating the text. And, even when it gets to this “rapid” population state (presumably because all the text has already been finished generating) you STILL have to wait for some scrolling, and your eyes literally cannot read any text while it’s scrolling or it will cause eye strain. So there’s actually no point of auto-scrolling because no one can use it (unless they want longterm eye problems). I wouldn’t be surprised if the number of optometry visits increased with the release of ChatGPT.

P.S. look at how Google Gemini does it in their web app. There must be a reason they did it that way. I disagree with Google on a lot of things but one thing they did right is not have the screen text be unreadable while it’s generating.

There are plenty of instances where one would want the screen to scroll including reviewing lists, generating code, skim reading a response, etc.

I don’t think you understand the issue; of course there are cases where you may want to see the response while it’s being generated, but it doesn’t require the response to JUMP line by line ever 0.2 seconds and cause eye strain. You can do it with much less frequent jumping, or in Google Gemini’s case, no jumping at all.

Who is this guy and why is he so absurdly defensive on this matter. I had to sign up just to reply to this. Doesn’t try to understand the situation at all and determined on defending his pre decided one sided opinion. What is he even doing here if his opinion is “I don’t care”.

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Terrible advice. I shouldn’t have to intervene every time a response is made in order to be able to stop it from doing something annoying that prevents me from being able to read.

I see why you need artificial intelligence…

Because he is allowed to have an opinion. Your opinions are all about how to cope with this stupid feature that absolutely serves no purpose. Why the hell would anyone think that text is easier to read when it is MOVING? It just goes to show that Chat GPT is the most out dated and STUPID AI implementation for text chat. But hey, after years and years, at least they finally implemented a search feature like literally every other chat service.

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Perhaps you’re not familiar with the concept of having an opinion. Must suck to be you.

What part of Please be kind and helpful in conversations, be kind to your fellow community members, and constructive criticism is welcome, but criticize ideas, not people., did you not understand?

This is a community, if you can’t handle your emotions enough so that you have to tell people ‘it must suck to be you’, then you should’t be let near a community of any sort.

Currently looking how to report you and hopefully get you removed from the site.

Update. You have been reported.

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You do realize that me saying “must suck to be you” is in response to someone pushing their opinion on others while calling others names. My opinion in this matter is that the auto scroll (at the time, I think it has been updated since this conversation began) was a preference and that it could be stopped by touching the screen. Others argued that they couldn’t imagine a single scenario where that makes sense. Basically acting in the way they claim is inappropriate (by not respecting the opinions that do not agree with them). Extremely silly.

I installed your extension, which was a large quality-of-life improvement. Hopefully, the feature will become native in the future, to help with DLP issues related to browser extensions.

Thanks for the kind words!

I’ve made the extension free for everyone today (version 1.0.4), since it made no money anyway :smile: