Request for Detailed Analysis of an MP4 Video with Textual Description

I would like to know if there is a way to analyze a video in detail, such that the video is analyzed and I receive a text describing what happens in the video. If so, what prompt could I use to achieve this result?
Additionally, are there any free tools or software that allow for this type of analysis? Please note that the video is in MP4 format and does not contain any textual descriptions (it is not a YouTube video).

Thank you in advance for your help.

check this tutorial from the cookbook
Processing and narrating a video with GPT’s visual capabilities and the TTS API

Throwing out some random ideas without (honestly) think them through very deeply… but you could use Python code to break it into frames but only keep 1- or 2 per second for analysis and haven y look for consecutive black frames which for many movies wound denote a scene change… hmmm… the deeper I think about this, the less efficient it seems to be. lol .i oook forward to learning how you do it…. …. Note: it might just be a matter of waiting for the next major release because features like this are rumored for it.