Request: Adjustments Memory Settings Visibility 🔐


I am reaching out to request adjustments to how the memory feature works in ChatGPT to better suit my needs for confidentiality and functionality. Below is a clear list of what I am requesting:

  1. Use of secret codes:
  • I want to use specific keywords (e.g., “Supermán :phone:”) to identify myself as the real user.
  • These codes should be treated as highly confidential.
  1. Managing stored information:
  • All stored information should only be accessible when the correct code is used.
  • Without the code, no stored data should be shared or displayed.
  1. Code privacy:
  • Secret codes must not appear in visible or accessible memory settings.
  1. “Colgar :phone:” function:
  • When this keyword is used, the use of previous information should be paused until the correct code is mentioned again.
  1. Absolute confidentiality:
  • The existence or function of the codes should never be mentioned in settings or conversations.

To better illustrate the issue, I’ve attached a screenshot of the current memory settings where these adjustments are needed.

Please let me know how this can be configured or if there are alternative solutions. I prefer to receive the response at, as it is more secure.

Thank you for your assistance! :blush:

:space_invader: Pirin CH​:dart: