Rejected authorization due to no access to organization

I recently got this error:

System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: OpenAl rejected your authorization, most likely due to an invalid API Key. Full API response follows: { “error”: {“message”: “You do not have access to the organization tied to the API key.”, “type”: “invalid_request_error”, “param”: null, “code”: “invalid_organization”} }

Suspiciously this happened 90 after creating the key. After creating a new key, it worked again. This new key was much longer than the original key. I am not on a free/trial account and have plenty of tokens.

Does anyone know if this is an issue with the keys expiring? Or is this a different issue? Does anyone know what this issue is?

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Your client may be sending headers from a different organization (or project) than the key belongs. Check your environment variables.

If a “user key”, you may have a default setting that points to a removed organization that needs to be properly set again.

Consider scenarios where the API key would be valid, but the organization being attempted cannot work.

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I’m not using an user keys, and I only have one organization and project.
The headers are governed by the NuGet package OpenAI version 1.11.0.
Could the NuGet package be the problem?

The OpenAI Python lib reveals this if I just flip over to site-packages\openai, giving what environment variables are scraped and used for sdk client values:

  • api_key from OPENAI_API_KEY
  • organization from OPENAI_ORG_ID
  • project from OPENAI_PROJECT_ID

And then for sending them, the header name, beside the Authorization header:

default_headers(self) → dict[str, str | Omit]:

  • “OpenAI-Organization”
  • “OpenAI-Project”

An application shouldn’t be imposing these, but it is possible that it could be sending “blanks” if it isn’t picking values up from somewhere.

Make your tests with normal API methods first, and then you can see if it is an issue with key and optional headers used normally.

Botty Python to test the “models” endpoint with an API key only within the code. Start with organization and project just being None (not enclosed in strings). Then you can use organization and project also and see if there is a disagreement:

import urllib3
from urllib3.exceptions import HTTPError
import json

# Constants for headers
API_KEY = "your_openai_api_key"  # Replace with your actual API key
OPENAI_ORGANIZATION = "your_organization_id"  # Replace if applicable, else set to None
OPENAI_PROJECT = "your_project_id"  # Replace if applicable; Org then required

def build_headers() -> dict:
    Builds the headers dictionary based on the defined constants.
        dict: A dictionary of HTTP headers.
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"
        headers["OpenAI-Organization"] = OPENAI_ORGANIZATION
        headers["OpenAI-Project"] = OPENAI_PROJECT
    return headers

def test_api_key():
    Tests the OpenAI API key by making a request to the models endpoint.
    Prints the success message or the encountered HTTPS error.
    http = urllib3.PoolManager()
    url = ""
    headers = build_headers()

        response = http.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
        if response.status == 200:
            print("API key is valid. Request successful.")
            print(f"Request failed with status code: {response.status}")
            print("Response:", json.loads('utf-8')))
    except HTTPError as e:
        print(f"HTTPS error occurred: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Usage Instructions

  1. Replace Placeholder Values:

    • API_KEY: Insert your actual OpenAI API key.
    • OPENAI_ORGANIZATION: Insert your organization ID if applicable. If not, set it to None or leave it as is.
    • OPENAI_PROJECT: Insert your project ID if applicable. If not, set it to None or leave it as is.
  2. Run the Script:



  • The script uses urllib3 to make the HTTP GET request to OpenAI’s /v1/models endpoint.
  • Headers are conditionally included based on whether the corresponding constants are set, or instead set to None.
  • The script prints a success message if the API key is valid and the request is successful.
  • In case of failure, it prints the status code and the response from the server.
  • HTTPS errors are caught and printed accordingly.

Ensure you have urllib3 installed in a Python environment, which any internet-facing Python generally has. If not, install it using:

pip install urllib3

This will allow you to see if it is a fault with the API key, or rather, how it is being used.

The solution of course you already found in making another key.

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While manually testing it, I tried providing the project id and organization id. When I did this, I ended up with a different but similar error message.
“No such organization”.
However, using the same call but with a new API key, led to a working result. So I think it is an issue with the key itself.

My main concern is how likely this is to happen with other API keys in the future. Do you think this is a one time fluke, or something that is likely to reoccur?

It is not something I have found a problem with, having used keys aged over half a year (although I just did a big cleanup, so don’t have any dated before this month).

It might encourage you to rotate keys on a regular basis, though. You may leave behind organization scope keys that could have leaked long ago still waiting to be discovered.

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