Query embedding threshold evaluation with curbing dimension

Hello there!

I had a quick question about setting a threshold for query embedding using text-embedding-3-large model.
Before I was working with text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 as the index dimension. And the threshold for query search I was working with 0.79 based on the other benchmarks out there.

I updated my model but used the dimensions parameter to embed 3072 dimension objects in 1536 index space like below (sample code):

 embedding_model = AzureOpenAIEmbeddings(deployment=text-embedding-3-large,
        openai_api_base = xxx  ,
        openai_api_type = azure ,

Then I ran my query embedding the same way with the same model text-embedding-3-large (sample code):

embedding_model = AzureOpenAIEmbeddings(

I didn’t change the threshold, and kept it at 0.79, I got 0 hits which was weird, and then just to test, I amended it to 0.079 and I got plenty hits?

May I ask why is that happening, is the text-embedding-3-large, value ranges from 0 to 0.1 unlike ada-002 which was 0 to 1? Can I just use 0.079 instead or I need more evaluation?
Also do you recommend forcing the dimensions to be 1536 when embedding a vector in the pinecone space when using a 3072 dimension model?

Welcome to the community!

Yeah, ADA had a cosine range of around 1 to 0.6 or so IIRC, so a threshold of 0.75 seemed sensible for that at the time.

The new models are capable of 1 to 0, so if you use a threshold approach you will definitely need to adjust it.

I use a different ranking mechanism so I can’t give you any advice on which threshold to pick, but I think as low as 0.3 or 0.2 can potentially still contain relevant results depending on what you’re doing.

It really depends on how many vectors you have in your db, and what kind of accuracy you need. I always like to reference this post: It looks like 'text-embedding-3' embeddings are truncated/scaled versions from higher dim version - #14 by LinqLover, but if you’re really moving volume you’ll need to decide based on your content and your downstream pipeline.

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