Prompt to make exactly same image but different pose

Via chatgpt 4, I’ve made a image that i personally like a lot.

I would like to use this “character” for my app.

The problem is: I can’t really replicate the image with different pose… How do you manage that? I want exactly same character but with different pose.

This is the image:

I know this is possible because there are AI models that have exactly the same face but doing different things. How do you achieve this?


It’s not 100% doable at this time with DALLE3, but if you keep the description of the character the exact same at the beginning of the prompt, you can change the end of the prompt for the “action/scene…”

Like I said, it’s not 100% reliable, but that’s the best way I’ve found so far…

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You mention:

It’s not 100% doable at this time with DALLE3

Do you know if It’s actually possible with any other AI image generation tool?

If the “seed” parameter of image generation was again exposed by API or within the DALL-E calling methods within ChatGPT, it might be a bit easier.

However, ChatGPT does have a mechanism for building upon the same image without it’s internal “reshuffling the deck” to give you different styles each time.

When you specifically refer to a prior image and say that you want to make improvements, ChatGPT should be able to send your prompt modifications to the similar seed origin.

More specifically, you can say “create a new dalle image with the prior image generation gen_id return value as the referenced_image_ids parameter to ensure style consistency, and make these small changes to the prompt you sent: xxxx”

Or more simple: make a four-pane 2x2 grid with variations on the same character.


We’ve been begging the DALLE team for this on the API, so they’re aware of the demand…

More specifically, you can say “create a new dalle image with the prior image generation gen_id return value as the referenced_image_ids parameter to ensure style consistency, and make these small changes to the prompt you sent: xxxx”

I’m using ChatGPT directly right now, not the api. Could you explain how can I take the gen_id and referenced_image_ids to send them as prompt? I really like the prompt you’ve written here and it looks like might work for me.

The AI has the gen_id of the image in the session conversation history. It does not need to be typed in again, or even be written out as explicitly as I did here to have the AI use it again. ChatGPT is already instructed to reuse the gen_id returned with an image success message if the user refers to the previous image.

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Agree with this. This may be possible on ChatGPT DALL-E as it can use the gen_id and referenced_image_ids, provided that the source/generated images are part of the same chat which is being used for generation.

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This is something the Stable Diffusion folks have long since, more-or-less solved.

I don’t do much with SD these days but, if you search a bit, it shouldn’t be hard to find a few hundred tutorials on how to do it in a dozen or so different ways.

I was also looking for the same. but from my research and prompting, I understood that each time you ask , Dall-e will generate the pose but with different costume, color hairstyle etc. So what I did is to prompt Dall-e to create a “story board sequence of a character in single image” and I crop it manually. for example: create a storyboard sequence of a middle aged boy looking in different directions I know it is a workaround, but solve my purpose.

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You can prompt like this by asking for a sprite sheet:

“Create a sprite sheet featuring six unique poses of a character inspired by but distinctly different from Bart Simpson. This character should have spiky hair, wear a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, but in a different color scheme than Bart’s usual red and blue. Each pose should convey a different action or emotion, such as jumping, sitting, running, laughing, thinking, and waving. The character should have a playful and mischievous demeanor, similar to a young boy’s personality. The background should be transparent to focus on the character’s design.”

Let’s proceed with generating this image.

The maximum you can do is to pass the same image and ask for variations in different poses.