Prompt to ask GPT to respond to user's query and Paraphrase the context at the same time

I am trying to create a prompt that will answer user’s query using the context attached and rephrase the context at the same time.

E.g if user says ‘change home zone, can you help me do it?’

Context: “The home zone is a geographic area in which you can also be reached via a landline number and where you can make cheaper calls depending on the tariff. All our current mobile phone tariffs have an additional home zone number. If you want to change your home zone address for a fee, please contact our customer service. Good to know: You can find prices for service fees in our price lists”

Expected answer from GPT: “Yes, I can help you changing home zone. The home zone is a region where, depending on the tariff, you can also be reached by landline and where call rates are lower. The home zone number is an additional feature of all of our current mobile phone plans. Please get in touch with our customer care if you want to update your home zone address for a cost. Good to know: Our price lists include service fee prices”

I tried below prompt but it only returns the text that matches with the question like “Please get in touch with our customer care if you want to update your home zone address for a cost. Good to know: Our price lists include service fee prices”

messages = [
{‘role’: ‘system’, ‘content’: ‘You are a virtual assistant designed to answer user’s question
-Paraphrase the Context given below
-Response must in maximum three sentence
-The home zone is a geographic area in which you can also be reached via a landline number and where you can make cheaper calla depending on the tariff. All our current mobile phone tariffs have an additional home zone number. If you want to change your home zone address for a fee, please contact our customer service. Good to know: You can find prices for service fees in our price lists’},
{‘role’: ‘user’, ‘content’: ‘change home zone’} ]

Edit: I am using chatcompletion function

gpt-3.5-turbo is now tortuously bad at following instructions.

Here’s how you could do it, with my interpretation of what you want.

Assuming that “additional documentation” is inserted text (such as from a database lookup based on the user question) that you want repeated back more exactly, you could specify that in the prompt.

Thanks for the reply, I was already able to do what you have suggested. But I am expecting GPT to return all the information in the Context ( not only that matches with use question) and reply to user’s query as a conversation.