Product photography with AI ( My own product images + Background from Dall E 2)

Hi All

I want to make an app that add background images to my product photo just like pebblely dot com did

This is my phyton app code:

from openai import OpenAI
import os

Path ke direktori gambar

image_path = r"DIRECTORY\PB_s412201_1024x1024.png"

Inisialisasi objek OpenAI dengan kunci API

client = OpenAI(api_key=“xxxxxx”)

Membaca file gambar

with open(image_path, “rb”) as image_file:
# Menggunakan API untuk membuat edit gambar
response = client.images.edit(
prompt=“Latar belakang warna solid, yaitu ungu dan orange membagi menjadi 2 dengan ruang tengah kosong, gambar yang tengah hanya diisi dengan cahaya saja”,
n=1, # Jumlah gambar yang ingin dihasilkan

Mendapatkan URL hasil dari respons

image_url =[0].url

Unduh hasil gambar

result_image_path = r"DIRECTORY\PB_s412201_1024x1024_Edit.png"
os.system(f"powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘{image_url}’, ‘{result_image_path}’)"")

Informasi tentang hasil

print(f"Gambar hasil edit tersimpan di: {result_image_path}")

this is image source (image product) and example of output

number 1 is product image and the rest is output

the result is not what i expected
Dall E 2 create image background AND edit my images too

How can i make Dall E 2 ONLY generate background for my product without changing my product photo?


Guys, do you have any solution for problem above?