Problems Prompting Image Builders

I’ve had great success interacting with ChatGPT and the specialized versions such as the Data Analyzer. Honestly, some of the discussions I’ve had on complex topics are mind boggling. But one thing I’m still not having a lot of luck with is getting images generated. For example, the following has happened to me twice: once with Dalle and once with Image Generator Pro. The image generated includes something I don’t want. I tell it “Good but leave out X” but even though I try multiple times and say things like “Exactly like that but don’t do/show/include X” it still shows X. In the case of DallE I wanted an image of a mockup for a prototype I was writing a proposal for an SBIR grant and I didn’t want to see the mockup displayed in a computer monitor as part of the image. I must have tried at least 5 times saying variations of “Just like that but don’t show the computer monitor, just what is displayed in the monitor” and every time it said variations of “okay here it is without the computer monitor” and the computer monitor was still there.

Last night something similar happened with Image Generator Pro. I wanted a logo for my web site and liked what it created except for some reason it included some numbers (no idea why) and the same thing happened. I tried several times versions of “like that but without the numbers on the left and right of the logo” and it said “okay” but it still had the numbers. Just wondering are there any secrets to prompting images that might help me get better results in the future?

Also, here is the image that I got.

What I tried but couldn’t do was to remove the “01” number on the left and the “91” on the right. I also don’t want the 01-01-91 on the bottom but I couldn’t get rid of the numbers on the right/left so didn’t even try to remove the numbers at the bottom. Have no idea why it included those numbers, there was nothing in my prompt about them.


For clarity, are you descibing using GPTs in both cases? I found an “image generator pro” gpt, but it is just a prompting buddy that makes emojis and ads also.


You might want to review your memories stored under ChatGPT’s settings. If it learned your age or birth year, normal use of ChatGPT to make images could use that information. A GPT of course can simply distort information with its own instructoins, and add things that don’t actually improve the image.

To start, I would just use regular ChatGPT, its vision ability to look at what you have so far, and have it give you suggest prompts for dalle the way it would write them, until the two of you agree on exactly what language it will be sending.

No numbers is no challenge; only getting the name reproduced like it was.


Fantastic. Thanks so much. For the first example I was using DallE for the second it was image generator pro which I didn’t realize is fairly limited. I hadn’t thought to ask ChatGPT itself but that makes perfect sense. I’ll keep that in mind for the future and also check memories in settings. I appreciate the fix to those images, they look great.