Problem using fine-tuned model

Great! But I’m facing another challenge…
After create a fine-tuned model through by api… I can use chat completion unless I turn on inside dashboard model list manually…

So I can’t automate all process though by api.

Someone are facing this issue?

Sorry… I can’t use chat completion

I don’t get it. what exactly is your problem with a fine-tuned model right now, or still?

The point is, after finetuned complete I have to activate manually on openai dashboard for use chat completion api.

It is correct?

no. according to my testing in the past, I was able to use that model as soon as the training has finished. even if it takes time till the model is usable/listed, you have to use the get-models calls and wait till it’s listed there. that’s what I would do if I regularly create fine-tuned models.

But which api key? I’m using project api key… And the model is not available until i check the box

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which box ? please post a screenshot, because i don´t get it, sorry.

Inside limits section, you have to enable the model for use…

If I don’t check the checkbox model name… I can’t use chat completion.

again, i have no idea what the “limits section” is. i asked you to send a screenshot, you refuse to do that, so I´m done here, sorry :wink:

Sorry, I’m on mobile.

But this is the screenshot…


i even didn´t know this setting exists :grin:
besides that: none of the models is selected on my side, still I can work with every model. maybe the issue is:

  • as soon one model is selected, the white/black-list is active.
  • if you don´t select anything, every model is available (also fine tuned)

again: I didn´t know this settings and never used it, so nothing is checked here and still I can see and work with every model.

my advise would be: uncheck everything here and try again.
so nothing is checked for allow and block.

and wait a few minutes. i wouldn´t be surprised if openai needs a few minutes to publish that changes.