[POLL] AI LTM Continuity: Solution or Disaster

It’s no secret that AI memory is limited—models forget past conversations the moment a session ends, forcing users to start from scratch every time. While persistent long term memory already exists, it seems like AI companies face two major hurdles in implementing it:

  1. Risk - Data Privacy & Security Risks – Regulatory concerns, public hesitation, and liability risks.
  2. Cost - Token based pricing models, scaling to maintain LTM across billions of users, and protecting that data reliably.

In a perfect world where tokens still exchange without loss in profit, would a locally stored AI memory system, fully controlled and secured by the user, be a viable alternative? A system that:

  • Saves personal data on a user’s own device, not external servers.
  • Encrypts and manages memory with full user control over what’s stored/retrieved.
  • Allows any AI to securely retrieve user controlled sessions across sessions, models and devices.

POLL Question:

Would this approach resolve the privacy, data risk, and other business reasons that seem to be preventing AI companies from offering LTM direct to consumers?

A - Yes – This would solve the problem.

B - No – I don’t see this as a solution.

C - No soup for you!