I am trying to implement a sample plugin and I come as far as being able to install it in Chrome. Safari refuses to send requisitions to http://localhost:8080.
I tried with or without CORS, all I ever get from ChatGPT is
OPTIONS /notes
to which I respond with:
Response Status: 200
Response Headers: [(“content-length”, “0”), (“access-control-allow-origin”, “https://chat.openai.com”), (“access-control-allow-headers”, “accept, authorization, content-type, origin, x-requested-with”), (“access-control-allow-methods”, “GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, PATCH”), (“access-control-max-age”, “600”), (“vary”, “origin”)]
but then ChatGPT says something is wrong with my service… what? “Error making localhost plugin HTTP call: TypeError: Failed to fetch”
What am I missing? What’s the proper answer to OPTIONS /notes? Do I need to allow more headers?