OpenAI Dart programming laungage Client Library

Hello There, I want to share with you my open-source Dart programming language client library for OpenAI APIs, since there is no complete Dart client library.

This one (mine) includes all APIs offered by OpenAI, in addition of full tests for all of them to ensure that every single line works fine.

I do maintain the library, and I’m hoping from developers give it a try, and list it as a community-maintained client library in the libraries section.

I did read all specifications, and requirements from Adding your API client to the Community Libraries page, and I do respect all of them in this open-source project:

  • it has a standard open-source license (MIT)
  • The code sample encourages loading API keys through environment variables.
  • I put on mind the developer’s experience dealing with it, it has a high quality, commented, with examples code.
  • I did announce that’s an unofficial library in the of the repository.
  • I’am maintaining and available to contribute more to this project.

As I said, all library’s API examples included, well-tested code.

I hope you give me your opinion about it.

Thank you!