excited to try out o1 via API with function calls I found that there’s a big snafu. You are limited to one request per minute on the function calls, even on the chat completion endpoint.
Now here’s why this is a problem: if the first response is a tool call, then how are you supposed to submit it?
If I submit it right away, attached to a new message and a new completion request, I immediately get the rate limit message:
Rate limit reached for o1 in organization org-drLTAb15KoZkvvfFXyYupIfA on requests per min (RPM): Limit 1, Used 1, Requested 1. Please try again in 1m0s. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn more.
So how is that supposed to work? Shouldn’t there be at least an exception for submitting tool call results?
Is there some information in the headers maybe how soon I could submit the result?