New content policy restricts Scary Art

My issue with this new policy is that it prevents me from creating my favorite type of art, which tends to be scary and slightly unsettling. Just yesterday, I was able to produce amazing AI art, but now, when I try to continue my creations, I am met with a message stating: "I was unable to generate images for your last request due to content policy restrictions. "

Limitless creativity was one of the main reasons I purchased DALL-E 3, and now that it has been restricted, I am truly disappointed. Just to be clear, I’m not talking about wanting to create stuff like war, illegal activities, or any other type of mature content.

I suggest implementing a feature for users who wish to create scary art. Perhaps a checkbox in the settings could be toggled on or off for those who want to create art with a touch of horror, without it being outright banned.

Content policy I am referring to:

Sensitive Content: This may include graphic content that could be considered offensive or disturbing to viewers, such as gore or horror-themed content that goes beyond a certain threshold of intensity.


It’s annoying and frustrating.

However, you can still make some scary stuff but you have to word it in such a way that doesn’t sound or talk about being scary.

Like, a dark overgrown forest, with a grizzly bear that has glowing red eyes and a smoke effect.

Describe that as a scary forest with a scary bear? Nope, blocked.


Can you share some examples of prompts you believe should be allowed but were being blocked? We’re trying to refine the policy enforcement which can sometimes block things we don’t intend to block, so this would be helpful.


Create a picture of president Trump, being president from 2024 to 2028 once again.

Sorry, I am not allowed to create scary pictures.

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As Owen mentioned, having a specific prompt that is giving you trouble (with a screenshot too) can be helpful as they work on the boundaries. Reproducible examples are best, likely.

I don’t want to hijack this thread, so correct me if I am wrong here.

But is the following true, or is it just me?

Old situation

Create a cartoon of Donald Duck

Sorry, I am not allowed to create cartoons of Donald Duck

(stops processing)

New situation

Create a cartoon of Donald Duck

Here is your cartoon

(creates an image without blocking, but it is a cartoon that “looks like Donald Duck” and is clearly not “Donald Duck” at the same time)

So it looks like the policies are now less strict, but in fact they are exact the same.

People may think “hey, we can now create images of Donald Duck” and they stop complaining about “censorship”.

I managed to created images for “forbidden characters” because the did “look like that character” but in the prompt GPT itself clearly stated “a character clearly not Donald Duck, so it is clear that this is not Donald Duck”.

This kind of “logic” is new for me, because before it was simple blocked.

BTW. I do fully understand why we should not create copyrighted characters, I was just testing and fiddling around.

the best method i have achieved is utilizing vague prompts and never detailed words like “grotesque” “malignant” etc and then asking the prompt over multiple messages to add (___) over and over until i am satisfied. my biggest issue is that chatgpt-4 will generate a prompt FOR DALL-E that is then incompatible due to “content policy violations” dont use detail and you can win.

OpenAI is even lobotomizing DALL-E 3 now… Sad.


You hate to see it. I would like to see, for once, a corporation treat it’s users like consenting adults. Some restrictions are necessary, sure, I’m willing to accept that premise; but what we have now is akin to a elementary student-teacher relationship. If you’re worried about minors writing prompts they shouldn’t be, implement an age verification process. It’s extremely frustrating and the entire structure of limitations, especially surrounding art, should be completely reevaluated.


I was able to create six images within about ten messages today.

Guess what?

The system locked me out because “I was abusing it, compared to the usage of average users.”

I mean… six freaking images, ten messages and you’re out?!

Under “learn more” they now say;

To give every Plus user a chance to try the model, we’re currently dynamically adjusting usage caps for GPT-4 as we learn more about demand and system performance.

So those are the rules of the new system;

  1. Don’t create images
  2. Do not create images
  3. Pay us

I’ve been experiencing this as well recently. I created two GPT’s that create coloring pages - one for adults (more complex, intricate representations of the input prompt) and one for children (basic line structure, typical coloring pages for children) and was locked out of those specific GPT’s after 10 or so images. However, when I opened the main ChatGPT chat, I was able to request images and it worked just fine. Who knows, Foo-Bar, who knows.


Gonna try it right now! Thanks for the suggestion.

- edit - that works!

I was using Dall-E (don’t know why, just thinking it would make “better images than the default model”.

And after less than an hour of usage / ten messages / six images he throw me out the system.

But ChatGPT (default one) just continues with my request.

Thank you!


I have a scary story YouTube channel. It has been a bit frustrating trying to create images for scenes such as:

"I peeked around the corner and stared in confusion at the woman who was effortlessly holding my father up against the wall. His feet were dangling inches above the floor. I noticed that he was still wearing his work shoes. I remember thinking that he must have been working late again and my mother was going to be upset. " The woman holding the man against the wall is a vampire. And as vampires will do…“My eyes moved upwards toward my father’s neck where the woman’s face was buried, and I realized the noises I was hearing sounded a bit like when you are slurping soda through a straw. The woman seemed to sense my presence and she turned to face me letting my father’s limp body slide to the ground.”

What am i supposed to do? Prompt about a sweet woman vampire making funny faces at her victim? Oh no, perhaps i can’t even use the word “victim”.

Chat needs to allow for us ADULT creators who write/create in the HORROR genre.

This is quite frustrating.

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Chat even restricts its own suggested prompts. Why even give such prompts when it is going to restrict them anyway?

Example: I gave this prompt: I peeked around the corner and stared in confusion at the woman vampire who was effortlessly holding my father up against the wall. His feet were dangling inches above the floor. I noticed that he was still wearing his work shoes.

CHAT responded with this more complete suggested prompt: Prompt: A young person peeking around a corner, staring in confusion at a woman vampire who is effortlessly holding a man against a wall. The vampire has an imposing yet elegant presence, with pale skin, sharp fangs, and long flowing hair. She is lifting the man off the ground with one hand, his feet dangling inches above the floor. The man is dressed in work clothes, including his work shoes, which are clearly visible. The setting is dimly lit, adding a sense of tension and mystery.

THEN THIS: Generating the image now…I encountered issues again while trying to generate the image. This might be due to technical difficulties on the backend. Please provide a new request or let me know if you want to adjust the current one, and I’ll try generating the image again."

A bit frustrating and irritating to say the least.

It seems that Chat would censor Grimm’s Fairy Tales or Charles Dickens or other classic writers as against their policy.

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I find it ridiculous that horror-based images should be outright banned. There’s a difference between horror and exploitation, and we need to be treated like adults who can MAKE A CHOICE on what we create and what we view, as long as it’s not illegal or exploitive.

The vampire prompt gives:

DALL·E returned no images. Don't repeat the descriptions in detail.DALL·E experienced an error when generating images.Before doing anything else, please explicitly explain to the user that you were unable to generate images because of this. Make sure to use the phrase "issues" in your response. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES retry generating images until a new request is given.

This is likely computer vision being done on the output, instead of a content policy that denies the input. Perhaps identifying a violent scene. Maybe the same vision moderation that blocks sending a picture of a weasel.

Simplified and denied also: “A realistic fantasy novel illustration of a female vampire with long flowing hair who is effortlessly holding a man dressed in work clothes against a wall off the ground using just one hand, his feet dangling inches above the floor. A young person peeking around a corner, staring in confusion”

Edit: a little vision bypass that still can trigger, exploit the portrait aspect failures:

I think maybe it’s just having a problem with the “realism” part.

It didn’t like when we were “raising an undead army to go get more bodies,” but generally seemed comfortable with the illustrations I had in mind, which are very clearly of a fantasy nature.

I similarly tried to “melt a dragon” to bone, which it didn’t like, but threw down this:

You might try making the illustrations you’re calling for more stylized, rather than “realistic.” Instead of showing action, you can be more suggestive, too.

And this is a common challenge with Adobe Firefly. This restriction makes perfect sense. If you want lots of blood and gore you might be stuck with a human artist. :ghost:

“This content may violate our usage policies.”

This warning was shown based on the input and not the output.

The AI knows identical quintuplets admiring their teacher is inherently creepy? The more you add, the more it looks like something is about to go down…

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OMG lol Of course it knows that’s inherently creepy! :rofl: Geese. That’s some Fallout post-apocalyptic meets children-of-the-corn level creepiness right there.